The market for English Securities opened on Monday morning with increased firmness, and a good deal of business was transacted during the day at an improvement of 4 and 14 per cent. Consols were first quoted 961 f, and were shotly after buyers at 961. ; this advanced figure caused some few sales to close old accounts, and a slight heaviness was produced ; the extreme fluctuation, however, up to yesterday did not exceed 1 per cent, and prices were tolerably supported by small bond fide investments. A reaction of 1 per cent has taken place within the last two days, the present high rates bringing in numerous sales for realization on the part of the public. Consols have today been 961 sellers ; they are now 961 961. Another cause of the prevailing dulness is the great absence of the usual operators. Money has been in somewhat increased demand, but with no alteration in rates. Reduced leaves off 96'. 97; Bank Stock, 226 228; New Three per Cents, 964 97. Though the market for Foreign Stocks may still be said to be good com- pared with the stagnation which so long existed previous to the last mouth, still, during the past week there has been a tendency to go back, caused, doubtless, by parties taking their profits. Most Stocks are u degree flatter. The recent announcement as regards the dividends on Mexican, and the disturbed state of that country, continue to draw the attention of the public to the Stock, and some large business has been transacted ; after having receded from the late rise, a tendency to buy again prevailed, till the quotation reached 214 211 - it is now not quite so firm. Buenos Ayres continues depressed : although the accounts by the last mail are decidedly favourable, a decline of 1 per cent has occurred upon the last quotation. Venezuela is firm, the price remains unaltered ; no change being expected till advices are received by the next packet. Brazil Scrip has fallen 4 per cent, a rather surprising circumstance to those acquainted with the general character of the security ; the Four and-a-half per Cent Stock has usually ruled at about 99 100; as, however, the payment of the dividend always exercises an influence, it is expected that as the time draws nigh an im- provement will take place. Peruvian Four and-alialf per Cent closes, 89 90; Ditto Three per Cent, 69 70 ; Buenos Ayres, 77 70; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 161 171; "Venezuela Active, 41 42 ; Portuguese Three per Cent, 46 461; Russian, 100 101 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 961 97; Brazil Scrip, dis to par ; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93. The settlement of the fortnightly account has passed off satisactorily. Money continues abundant in this market at 3 to I per cent.
The Railway Share Market has this week been rather more active the fluctuation exceeding sometimes 2 per cent; the advance, however, which took place in the early part of the week has not been maintained, although prices show an improvement upon those of last week. Great Western, oq oil have risen If per cent ; Midland, 96 961; and London and Brighton, 109 110 have both improved 1 per cent; Caledonian, 401 411 ; London and North Western, 921 93; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 981 94 ; Sheffield, 35 35%; Eastern Counties, 121 121 ; South-Eastern, 214 21/.
The French Market has been more active the last day or two, and shares have in nearly every instance, improved in value, the average rise is about 11 per cent—Paris and Lyons are now quoted 314 32; Paris and Orleans, 50 62; Paris and Strasburg, 27 271. The Atlantic Telegraph shares are nominally 800/. 9001.; and the Red Sea, 11 prem the allotment letters of the latter were issued yesterday.
Notes issued 131,010,210 Government Debt Z11,015,100
Other Securities 3.458,900
Gold Coln and Bullion 14,531,210
Silver 13u11111n
DDLDADD sapsknssr.
Proprietors' Capital
ucriernment Securities (inclu-
Rest 3,411,011
ding Deed-Weight Annuity). Z10,871,051'
Publk Deposits* 4,668,793 Other 8evai4tles 16,314,060 Other Depedits 13,9113,364 Notes 10,119,816 Seven Days and other Bills .. 771.171
Gold and Sliver Coln
£37,308,831 I 137,369,935,
• Including Exacquer,SaTing-Banks,Cosstuissioners of National Debt,* Dividend Aut.
The Great Eastern seems likely to p to the hemmer, or into the Court of Chancery. The Company is deeply in debt; there are no funds ; none can apparently be raised. The directors have been authorised to lease or sell
the monster, but an auction may become compulsory by reason of claims not to be postponed.
The local Government of Victoria, by whom an expenditure is contem- plated of 8,000,0001. sterling for railroad purposes, spread over a series of years, have made their arrangements with six of the local banks for the Wm required during the next twelve months, which will be limited to 1,500,000/. They are to take six per cent. Colonial Debentures, which are to be put on the London market at a price not lower than 105; but no issue was to be made till October, and therefore none are likely to be re- ceived on this side before the end of the year.
The ,yield of sugar in the Mauritius this season "will be the largest ever made, exceeding probably 120,000 tons. Australia now takes a fifth of the produce of this colony. Although the crop is so large the quantity exported to Europe will not exceed that of previous years.
The two great iron-works of Rosieres and Bourges, which have passed through the hands of seven or eight companies within the last fifteen years, are again advertised for sale by auction, at an upset price of 400,000 francs.
It is the intention of Prince Napoleon to give a fresh and continuous im- pulse to the construction of railways in Algeria. Several new lines are under consideration, which are to be offered to public competition. The troops in the colony are to be employed in the formation of the earth-works, by which a considerable saving of time and expense will be effected. The troops, on their part, will find an advantage in being so employed, as they will receive an addition to their pay.