/int /rts.
THE CRYSTAL PALACE PICTCRE-GALLERY, We have before expressed our opinion of the high value of which the picture-gallery at Sydenham might be made as representing the several......
From Tue London Gazette, Aruusy 13.
WAR Or - new. Pall Mall, August 13.-Carairy-2d Regiment of Drag.-Guards- Capt. and Breret-Major W. H. Seymour to be Major, without purchase, vice Price, dec.; Lieut. P. A. W.......
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 10. Bankrup1s.-Ep1VARD BENJAMIN COLLINS, Hereford Place, Queen's Road, New Peckham, market-gardencrldsmi ELIZADETN CARTWRIGHT, Sheniliornc, Nor-......
Prices Current.
New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Annuities 1885 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account per Ceuts Reduced - - - - 181 181- - 961 961 961 96 1 99 1 951 96; 9t; 961 961 971 171 97 DI......