[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As the Spectator
has given great prominence to this important matter, I feel sure that your readers will be interested to learn that the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines! Protection Society has resolved to send Mr. Joseph Burtt as a deputation to the United States in September in order to make known the facts about the slave-grown cocoa, and to arouse public opinion on the subject, especially in the important centres of the Northern and Eastern States. There can be no doubt of the great importance at this moment of obtaining the co-operation of the American people, as you yourself, Sir, have pointed out in your editorial note to Mr. Burtt's interesting letter in your issue of June 19th. I hope shortly, with your permission, to be able to give fuller particulars of Mr. Burtt's tour, regarding which I am now in communication with sympathisers in the United States, and to appeal to your readers to assist by contributing to the fund which we are endeavouring to raise to meet the expenses to be incurred.—I am, Sir, &c., TRA.VERS BUXTON, Secretary.
51 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S. W.