The Quatercentenary Of Brasenose College.t Brasenose...
quaterc,entenary in a noble fashion. The foundation-stone has been laid of buildings to complete the New Quadrangle, and a charming bird's-eye view of the College in the style......
The Seychelles.*
IN this volume, which is published by authority, we have an abundance of materials for the future historian of the Seychelles. First are the old maps, the earliest, by Alberto......
An Autobiography.*
THE writer of this book tells us that he began his life's work when he was eight years of age—just eighty years ago—in a Macclesfield silk-mill. He worked from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.,......
No The White Prophet4
Wn have more than once been moved to protest in this column against a modern, and, in our opinion, a peculiarly obnoxious, form of portrait fiction. But we have never, in the......