is plain that one cannot conduct a controversy across the Atlantic, and therefore I must not ask you to give me space for a full reply to my friend Mr. Victor Yarros, of Chicago. But since he, like Mr. Essary, has missed my main point about President Coolidge, Senator Borah and the World Court, I will ask you to allow me a word more. To Mr. Essary I repeat that my comment on the Senate and foreign affairs had reference simply to the situation created by the Treaty since 1919. To Mr. Yarros
I reply that I was not dealing with American public opinion and the Court, but with the exercise _last January by the President of his personal authority over the Senate. Who has told me ? Mr. Yarrow asks. He might addtess that query to the beaten Senator McKinley, in his own State
of Illinois.—I am, Sir, &e., 2 Erskine Hill, .N.W. 11. S. K. RATCLIrFE.