No Better Statement Of The Position Could Be Made Than
that which the Prime Minister telegraphed last week to the United States Press. His message in answer to a request for information explains concisely the part that H.M.'s......
Political Exhibitions. -this Change Has Been Illustrated...
acceptance of two new agreements with Germany. One is a provisional commercial agreement dealing with the Customs relations and is of the nature of a " most favoured nation "......
: We Earnestly Desire To See Both - Colliery Companies...
depute new- negotiators,' who will not •consider :whether they are coming to a settlement_ • or not, but will simply come together determined to' decide what the settlement......
• It Is Disheartenink In Find. Ourseives- 'in: The -
fifteenth . week of the stoppage and ivith - -'n'n'Yeally:goOd news to record. A few Miners will- briibabli "IriCkle " back ; a district might break away fioni . - the......
The Two Bills Which We Mentioned Last Week For Establishing
the new Sinking Fund and for regulating the powers of the Banque de France-were passed by the French Chamber on Thursday, August 0th. The franc improved, touching 1581 to the......
News Of The Week
T HE coalminers, voting by representatives in their districts, have by a majority rejected the proposals which were carried by the Industrial Christian Fellowship to the Prime......
Carden, London, W.c. Subscription To The ;srectston-...
per annum, including postage, to any part of the toJrld. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this issue is : Inland, ld., Foreign, Id.......