" Everyone who thinks and feels is apt at times to fall into the state of mind of the Psalmist, and believe that- All.ths earth ie full of darkness and cruel habitations."
Therefore I should like to see the result of a demand for a story, incident, or even reported saying tending to reconcile one to human nature."—" AULIFFE."
The Editor offers a prize of £5 for an anecdote fulfilling " Auliffe's " conditions.
We shall not exclude anecdotes of the past, but we shall give preference, other things being equal, to incidents that come within the notice of our readers themselves.
1. All entries must be received on or before Friday, Sept. 10th,
2. Competitors may send in as many entries as they wish, but each entry must be accompanied by one of the coupons to be found on page 260 of this issue.
3. The name and address (or the pseudonym) of every Com. petitor must be written clearly at the foot of his manuscript.
4. The Editor cannot return any manuscript submitted for the competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitors.
5. The Editor reserves the right of printing any manuscript submitted.
6. Envelopes must be addressed : Competition, the Srectalor, 13 York Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2.