14 AUGUST 1926, Page 28



ALTHOUGH still quiet, there have not been wanting indications during the past week of a little more animation on the Stock Exchange, especially in some of the speculative or semi- speculative markets. Inyestmenk stocks have held. their own, English .Railways have rallied slightly in one or two: instances, while- among Industrials there has been a rather better ten- dency in some of the Textile issues and in shares in the Tobacco up. Among 'Foreign -Industrial concerns the feature has been a jump in Brain Traction. shares on some' Influential buying, accompanied by reports of a great increase in earnings. Perhaps, however, the best feature of the week has been the further addition to the stock of gold at the Bank of England. More than a million has been gained during the week, • and this means that our net loss of gold since our return to 'the Gold Standard, which stood at about £12,000,000 early in the year, has now been reduced to just over £2,000,000.