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A general meeting t f the Leeds Association for the Promotion of the Return of Liberal Members to Parliament for the borough. of Leeds and the West Riding of the county of York, was held last week in the Commercial Buildings, to take into consideration the steps it might be expedient to adopt in consequence of the expected resignations of Mr: Macaulay; Mr. John Marshall in the chair. The names of several gentlemen were mentioned, and some conversation took place ; but the meeting pronounced no opinion as to their respective merits ; and it was thought more respectful to the great body of the electors not to put any person in nomination, but simply to call a more general meeting of the friends and active supporters of Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay at the late election, at as early a period as the necessary ar- rangements could be made, to take into consideration the steps it might be expedient to adopt in the present state of the representation of the borough ; and a resolution to this effect was unanimously agreed to.— Leeds Mercury.
The Corporation Commissioners commenced their investigation into the affairs of the Corporation of Maidstone on Friday last, notwith- standing the resolution of the Burghmote not to give any infor- mation. The Mayor, however, made the Commissioners an offer of the use of the Town-hall ; which they declined, and a room at the Bull Inn was engaged. Several gentlemen intimately acquainted with the affairs of the Corporation came forward and volunteered their evidence to the { Commissioners ; who have collected, during the progress of the inquiry, nearly as much information as if the officers of the Corporation had been permitted to be examined. It appeai-s from the evidence adduced (what we knew pretty well before), that the Tories have hitherto con- tinued to obtain the domination over the Corporation affairs ; and that great bribery and corruption had formerly been practised in the elec- tions for Common Councilmen, and that as much as 151. and "a squeaker " (a pig) Were given for a vote. These contests arose from the rivalry of two brewers in Maidstone, who struggled to get a majority in the Corporation. The breweries have since coalesced, and enjoy a monopolyin the town.
The members of the Independent and Baptist Congregations of Leeds held a meeting, on Tuesday week, for the purpose of adopting measures to obtain relief from certain grievances under which the Dis- senting body labours. Resolutions were passed, and a memorial was drawn up, to be presented to Earl Grey with a request that he would listen favourably to its prayer, and that with•his colleagues he would "set himself promptly and vigorously to redress the wrongs" of the Protestant Dissenters. The following extracts from the memorial will explain the nature of the claims, and some of the arguments by which they are supported.
" We cannot think it right that a system of which we do not approve, and whose ser- vices we du not attend, instead of relying, as is most natural, on the rich and tolequate resources of the members of its own community, should extort support and wring its funds from us, who have our own cause to maintain, and our own wants to supply. Were we to solicit from Government the authority to put our hands into the stores of the Episcopalians, and to extort from them the means or supporting our worship, the de- mand would appear glaringly insolent and extravagant, and expose us to constant and indignant rebuke and condemnation : yet is the practice of which we complain, the tax from which we seek to be relieved, equally unjust and oppressive. From every thing, therefore, in the shape of levies, rates, or taxes. for building the churches, and maintaining the worship of the Episcopalian community in this country, we ask to be forthwith relieved.
"The Cemeteries, belonging to the respective parishes of the country are public pro- perty, and have been provided by rates levied on the inhabitants generally, to which Protestant Dissenters have contributed their full proportion. We ask, therefore, that these, which in many instances are the burial places of our fathers, may be open to its, to bury our dead, Moor own way, without being compelled to submit to the ritual of the Church of Englaud. "The Universities claim to be national institutions, and owe their existence to the authority, and their means of support in whole or in part to the pecuniary grants of the Legislature.. We ask access to the privileges to be enjoyed there, and to the honours to he acquired there, without the imposition of oaths which would fetter our consciences, and of forms which militate against our principles.
" The manner of solemnizing Marriage, now in existence, has proved a grievance; and it requires on our parts a sacrifice of principle and suds a deference to the Church of England, as conscience itself disapproves and condemns. We, therefore, respectfully claim to be released from the necessity of performing this service iu a clmrch, and ac- cording to a certain ritual and to be left at liberty to conduct it, so far as the religious part of the ceremony is concerned, in a manner more consonant with our own views. " As much confusion and many evils have arisen from the want of due and authorized registration of births, baptisms, &c. we, your memorialists, are convinced of' the neces- sity there is for the establishment of one uniform system of registration, applicable to all classes, and to be conducted without regard to religious distinctions. We beg, Mete- fore, to urge upon tine serious consideration of his Majesty's Government, the early adoption of some •plan by which births, marriages, and deaths, may be recorded, with all possible facility and accuracy, in all parishes throughout the kingdom."
An Anti-Corn-Law Association is about to be formed in Sheffield, which several of the first merchants have declared their intention to support. The diffusion of correct information will be the chief means
adopted; and, probably, before the reassembling of Parliament a public meeting will be called to petition.
A plan is in agitation for the speedy formation of a Manchester and Salford Anti-Corn Law Association, upon the novel principle of cir- culating cheap tracts, in which the mischievous consequences of a re- striction upon the price of food are to be pointed out in a popular and familiar style.
A meeting of the landholders 'and inhabitants of Greenhithe took place on Monday last, for the purpose of considering the propriety of allowing Mr. Nokes to build a chain pier on the site of the present ferry. After some discussion, the object proposed was agreed to.
Mr. Blackbiirne and Mr. Sadler are actively engaged in canvassing the electors of Huddersfield. As usual, both parties are confident of success. The Conservative papers assert that the Tories and Radicals have coalesced to secure the return of Mr. Sadler.. We hope this is not true : Mr. Blackburne is a man of high character, and independent political principles. If he does not coincide with the Radicals on some points, let the latter. start a candidate of their own, or do any thing rather than become the contemptible dupes of the Conservative party. By the death of Mr. Robert Alderson, of Norwich, at a very ad- vanced age, the Recorderships of Norwich, Ipswich, and Yarmouth, are vacant. Mr. Alderson was father of the Judge.
The Bishop of Bath and Wells has given permission to Mr. Emery, druggist of Wells, to allot out another piece of land to make two hundred lots for letting to the industrious poor. Altogether this makes one hundred acres that his Lordship has let in allotments in the vicinity of Wells.
Several declarations of trial have been served upon some inhabitants of Warwick, with the intention of recovering from them the amount of certain fines on charges of bribery at the late election at that place. These proceedings, although expected by many, have again rekindled the flames of political animosity in the town. The fines, if substan- tiated, will amount to an immense sum.
Such is the want . of employment in the agricultural districts, that twelve yeomen, the sons of small farmers, have arrived here this week, from the north of Devon, to enter as landsmen on board the Thunderer, Captain Wise. They are to be sent round to Portsmouth to join that ship. There have been several instances lately of ploughmen turning Jack Tars.—Devonport Telegraph.
Last week, we published extracts from a letter of complaint against the Magistrates of Kineton, near Warwick, by a Reverend Mr. John. son. The Standard having intimated its disbelief of the story in all its details, Mr. Johnson has written to that journal reaffirming the facts contained in his first statement. The Vicar of the parish has also sent a letter to the same paper, in which he says, that " Mr. Johnson's statement is a gross misrepresentation of the real facts."