An Old Witness Against The Window-tax.
11th December 1933. A CONSTANT READER of the Spectator sends some just remarks upon the Window. tax, which show bow odious this impolitic impost was upwards of a century ago ;......
Ancient Concerts.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. London, lath December 1833, Sua—Presuming that you are equally anxious for "the trutll, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" - (as regards......
Attornies And Barristers—sheriff's Court Practice.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Westminster Hall, 9th December 1833. DEAR SPFC.—Yon 'save a few words in your last Number, as to disputes 'between tire Bar and the attornies......
Money Market.
STOCK Emil 1NOF, FRIDAY A TTERNOON. Rumours have been current during the week, of a misunderstanding between our Government and the Court of Russia ; and some speculations have......