A declaration, as yet only reported by telegram, has been
pub- lished in Ireland, demanding equality for all religious professions as essential to order and good government. It is signed by Lords Fingal, Granard, Kenmore, Dunraven, Southwell, Castlerosse, Trimleston, and Bellow; by twenty-two Members of Parliament ; eleven deputy lieutenants, and fifty-three justices of the peace. The proposal appears to be one for the abolition of the Irish Church, not for the endowment of the Catholics, but it is quite consistent with the remarkable proposal of Mr. Stack in the Fort- nightly Review. He would endow no one, but would assign the tithe to the parish which levied it, to be bestowed by vote of the ratepayers on the religious, or semi-religious objects they deemed most convenient. If they assigned it to the priest for life, the Bishops would scarcely prohibit him from taking it. This. declaration is, we trust, the commencement of an earnest Parlia- mentary campaign.