Dr. Newman Gives A Graphic Picture, In One Of His
lectures on " Anglican Difficulties," of the advantages resulting to the Church from the foreign character of the Papacy, and its perfect independence of the domestic influences......
They Certainly Do Things On A Noble Scale At Manchester.
Owens College is trying to raise a fund for a new Professorship of Engineering. 8,750/. is already subscribed by little more than a dozen subscribers, one firm alone, Messrs.......
Professor Henry Smith, The Savilian Professor Of Geometry...
sent to the Times of Tuesday an account of the very .curious tactics of the Hebdomadal Board in respect to the attempt .of Balliol College to get power to admit certain......
We Deeply Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Ebenezer
Charles, of the Chancery Bar, who was some years ago, before professional engagements multiplied upon him, a valued contributor to this journal, and who, though still young, had......
Dr. Rolleston Informs Us That The Cat Of The Ancients
never had any rat-devouring to do, for the rat is a medireval animal, first noticed in English literature in Piers Plowman. Lintueus even fancied that the elder of the two rata,......
Frederick Baker, The Attorney's Clerk Who Out Up A Little
girl at Alton, has been sentenced to death, and the day of his execution cuss been fixed. No one doubts his guilt, or that his guilt deserves • the highest penalty, but serious......
Although The Transactions In All National Securities This...
been very moderate, no change of importance has taken place in the quotations. On Monday, Consols for delivery were quoted at 92f, ; and for the 7th of January, 924, 93;......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Den G. Friday, Dec. 13. Mexican 15f ... 181 Spanish Passives 25* ... 25f Do. Certificates ... ... ... ... ... 19 ... 10 Turkish 6 per......