The division showed 65 for Lord Halifax's amendment, and 201
for the Government ; majority, 136. One Bishop—the Bishop of Oxford—had the courage to vote against this war, while six voted and two paired for it. The eight Bishops in favour of ag- gression on Afghanistan were the Bishops of Bangor, of Chichester, of Gloucester and Bristol, of Hereford, of St. Alban's, of St. David's, of Peterborough, and of London. With the Durham See vacant, perhaps this result is not so bad as might have been expected. Lord Houghton will certainly think it a new arga- merit for worldly Bishops. Whether the Bishop of Oxford, Dr. Mackarness, favours Ritualism unduly in Cuddesdon College or not, let us do justice to the courage with which he has stood up alone against an act as unlike the act of a Christian State as it is like the act of an Oriental despotism, founded on fear, suspicion, and caprice.