Lord Lawrence, Besides An Able Speech On The Afghan Policy
of recent years, gave a very firm and clear judgment on the great danger of annexing the border territories now belonging to independent mountaineers, on the large expenditure......
On Tuesday Night, Lord Grey Insisted That The Policy Of
the war was wrong constitutionally, politically, and morally. He declared that it wai a policy which would aid rather than hinder Russia in any ambitious designs, and that our......
The Debate In The House Of Lords Was Commenced On
Monday by Lord Cranbrook, who spoke with the rather wooden im- petuosity for which his speeches have always been remarkable, and very much on the old lines. The Russians, he......
News Of The Week.
IVO intelligence of importance has arrived from India this week. General Biddulph is reconnoitring the Passes between Pisheen and Candahar, and finds them undefended, but hears......
The Division Showed 65 For Lord Halifax's Amendment, And 201
for the Government ; majority, 136. One Bishop—the Bishop of Oxford—had the courage to vote against this war, while six voted and two paired for it. The eight Bishops in favour......
The Illness Of The Princess Alice Is Causing Great Alarm
to the Queen, who has sent her own physician, Sir William Jenner, to attend her. The attack is a grave form of the diphtheria from which the whole family has been suffering, and......