Maldon has returned a Liberal, by a majority considerably
greater than that by which, in 1874, it returned a Conservative. At that election, Mr. Sandford, the late Member, was returned by a majority of 113 over the Liberal candidate, Sir John Bennett, —632 votes being recorded for Mr. Sandford, against 519 for Sir -John Bennett. On Wednesday, Mr. Courtauld, the Liberal candidate, was returned by a majority of 141 over his Conserva- tive rival, Mr. Abdy,-671 votes being taken for Mr. Cour- tauld, and only 530 for Mr. Abdy. Thus while the Con- servatives polled no less than 102 fewer votes than they polled at the last election, the Liberals polled 152 more votes than they polled at the last election. It is a very remarkable -change, and all the more significant that Malelon is a constituency in which "the Conservative working-man" was, in 1874, a very considerable power.