she knows how to create with some simple touches. Captain
The World of Wit and Humour. (Cassell and Co.)—Here we Carbonell comes home with his wife, herself a Carbonell, and her have a stout and handsomely equipped volume in which are col- two sisters, to take possession of and to cultivate the estate which lected a number of passages from Max Adeler (whose fun, by the he has inherited. Thus we are introduced to English life as it way, is not so well appreciated as it should be), Anstey, Calverley, was somd seventy years years ago in a village which squire and Dickens, W. S. Gilbert, Tom Hood, Douglas Jerrold, Charles parson had combined in neglecting. Miss Yonge does not Lamb, Captain Marryat, Thackeray, and Mark Twain, and other exaggerate, it is not her way. She uses both light and shade in humourists less famous or not named. There are extracts, too,