14 DECEMBER 1895, page 15

[to The Editor On The " Spectator."]

Sra,—As a former member of a School Board, and a present manager of voluntary schools, I wish to see a fair adjustment of the difficulties that arise from their unequal rivalry.......

[to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator. " ] Sie. -- Hott Would...

W. Watson's plan work ? Suppose a parish like this,—four miles long; that little b, son of Baptist B, and B 2 , lives at the N. end, the only school a National school at the......


[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Silt,—May I add my testimony to the intelligence of dogs in the matter of understanding what is said in their hearing ? Several years ago I......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." 1 Sie,—as I

know your columns are always open to well- authenticated stories of the wonderful gifts of our four-footed friends, I venture to think that you will be interested in the......


A VISION OF PEACE. IT was a noise of al;awma and tuned flutes That swell'd and rang and floated in the air, With myriad interchangeable salutes Of note with note in complication......

Denominational Education.

[TO THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPRCTATOR:] have been greatly interested in your articles on the question of elementary schools and religions instruction, and the grievances of......