In the Autumn number of The Cheltenham Ladies' College Magazine
(T. Hailing, Cheltenham) we observe an interesting account of Dr. Lillias Hamilton. We mentioned, in noticing an earlier number of this excellent periodical, an account of this lady's visit to Cabul. This narrative is now supplemented by in- formation given by Dr. L. Hamilton during her recent visit to England in the suite of the Shahzada. She has been doing excel- lent work in Cabul, saving, it can hardly be doubted, the life of the Ameer at a very critical time ; and finally, working no small change in Afghan medical practice. This of course could not be done without arousing hostility from native doctors. The amenities of the profession in England may indicate what an Afghan practitioner would say, and if he had a chance, do. The guard that the Ameer has set for her protection is probably needed. This lady's work has more than a personal or even a scientific interest ; it may also have national hearings.