14 DECEMBER 1895, Page 25

We have received :—The British Almanac and Companion, 1895 (Stationers'

Company), being the sixty-ninth annual issue. It contains the usual information, academical, political, commercial, &c., an almanac with the matters that the word implies, a survey of the British Empire and its dependencies, an account of foreign countries, &c. It is interesting to see that there are still twelve persons receiving pensions as having been on the Civil List of George IV.—The Clergyman's Almanack (same publishers) has its speciality, which it satisfactorily carries out. It would be well if in the account of taxation the allowances made under Schedule A were duly stated.—" Francis Moore, Physician," still gives to the world his Vox Stellarum, or Loyal Almanac (same publishers) ; but alas ! the stars now give us no information, and while we learn a good deal about the present, we are left in ignorance of the future.