The authors of this survey meditate, I believe, and more than meditate, one on somewhat similar lines of the whole of Oxfordshire. We cannot have too many such topographies. They are better and more useful than county histories. Indeed, the most inspiring teacher whom I know says that all education ought to be founded on geography. The very first book of the sort was written by one of the same authors under the wise inspiration of Lord Milner, about Kent ; but the object of that plan and survey was rather more specific. The opening of new ',coalfields made . a regional plan necessary, if the worst evils of the industrial revolution Were to be avoided. The problem of the Thames Valley is different. This new form of literature has now found its feet. I should like to see an abbreviated edition brought out for the use of all schools—Etonian and elementary, both— that have their being within the influence of the Thames Valley, with the Chiltern Hills and the Berkshire Downs so finely cut by a river, that for the rest loves to meander through level fields.
London Press. 15s.) University Press. 108. Od.)