What Would Arnold Say ?
My old Oxford tutor, lamenting both the desecration and the want of interest in it, said to me the other day that the only recourse was to stay at home and read Matthew Arnold.......
A Shire Survey.
The authors of this survey meditate, I believe, and more than meditate, one on somewhat similar lines of the whole of Oxfordshire. We cannot have too many such topographies.......
Preserving Wood.
During last week, not without the encouragement of the Forestry Commission, a wood-preserving association was formed. We all know that timber starvation is threatened and most......
The Vanished Village Was On The Wiltshire Downs. This...
community is in Exmoor Forest, so called because it was entirely treeless. The " King's allotment " of 10,000 acres was sold in 1819 to Mr. Knight of Worcestershire who bought......
Country Life
HOPE FOR THE THAMES. A book of quite a new sort has just been published by a happily complemental triumvirate.• One is Lord Mayo, who, besides his other artistic qualities, has......
A Model Of Reclamation.
Local historians of England are almost always welcome. We have to thank an Oxford fellow for a bit of real research into English history ; and his book, which appears almost......
The Heart Of England.
One passage from Mr. Buchan's Introduction I cannot forbear to quote :- " For the whole space of our history the valley has been the heart of English life. Cotswold may cease to......
This Book Or Survey Is The Latest Of A Succession
of efforts to save—as Lord Astor well says—" for posterity some of the scenery, peace and amenities of an accessible, historic and beautiful part of England." A Thames valley......