The Graphic Diamond Jubilee Number is something excep- tional in
contemporary journalism, for it records in picture form the history of the last sixty years—Stanley meeting Livingstone, Mafeking night in Trafalgar Square, Suffragettes chained in the Strangers' Gallery, the Klondyke gold rush—as seen at the red-hot moment by the greatest black-and-white artists of the day—Millais, Jerkomer, Fildcs, du Maurier, Solomon J. Solomon, Phil May. Amongst the authors who have contributed to the Graphic (they are not all represented in this number) are Tennyson, Trollope, Meredith, Wilkie Collins and W. S. Gilbert : of the latter we have in thin number a delightful satirical sketch, with " Bab's " own illus- trations. Many distinguished persons have sent congratu- latory messages to the Editor, and we would join in the general approval. The number is not only good reading in itself, but a liberal education in recent history, recapturing as no formal method could ever do the very spirit of other days. Among the illustrations, we notice what is probably the best likeness of Queen Victoria in old age that has ever been published.