Travel Pamphlets Reviewed
[From time to time we notice publications sent to us by travel agencies and shipping companies, which we think may be of interest to readers. -En. Spectator.] THE Cunard Line send details of their winter cruises, which begin on March 1st, when the ' Laconia ' will sail from Southampton, for a cruise lasting nearly three weeks, to the Mediterranean. Another cruise in the same ship begins at Southampton on March 29th, and in just over a fortnight the Atlantic Isles and North Africa will be visited.
The Mauretania' will be making her annual cruise to the Mediterranean in February and March, and will be available for port to port bookings. She sails for Southampton from Villefranche on March 23rd, a useful date to holiday-makers on the Riviera, who may thus return home in this well-known liner.
For those who have time to spend, a six months' cruise round the world in the ` Franconia ' has been arranged. Passengers from London join the ship at Monaco on January 25th. The Franconia' is due to arrive in Liverpool about June 9th.
The Cuban winter service between New York and Havana gives business men or tourists to the United States an opportunity to pay a visit to the West Indies. This special weekly cruise service will be maintained from December 26th to March 21st by the 20,000-ton liners Caronia ' and Carmania.' In addition, the Mauretania ' will make a special through trip to Havana via New York, leaving Southampton on February 5th.