It would seem to be high time that some public statement was made by the directors of the Inveresk Paper Co., Ltd. for the great fall in the price of the shares is alarming to the `sharehold'er's, -while it is the mare lnotpliCatile -view- otthe quite recent reassuring circulars issued by the Board. Only during the present year the Ordinary £1 shares of the company were quoted as high as 67s. 6d., and in previous years they have been even higher, but during recent weeks they have steadily declined, and during the past week have dropped to 15s. And yet not only was the latest dividend at the high rate of 25 per cent, but as recently as last July an interim dividend was declared of 121 per cent on an increased capital, while last September a circular to shareholders was issued, stating that although the current financial year did not close until September 28th, the directors were able to state that the oper- ations of the company and its subsidiaries had again been very satisfactory. The circular added that " the profits of the company will show a substantial increase on those for 1928." And yet the £1 shares are down to 15s. I
A. W. K.