This is to be the name of the company hitherto known as Margarine Union, now amalgamated with the Lever interests, while what has hitherto been known as Margarine Unie will be known as N.V. Unilever Limited. At the recent meeting of shareholders, presided over by the chairman, the Earl of Bessborough, one or two very interesting points emerged with regard to future policy. So far as profit distribution is concerned, it is evident that a conservative policy is to be pursued for some time, for while the chairman showed that for the past year the profits have been on the basis of about 20 per cent. on the Ordinary share capital, the dividend is to be restricted for the present to 10 per cent. On the other hand, shareholders are to have opportunities of taking up new shares on favourable terms, and as soon as the financial outlook has improved, it looks as though an issue might be made. Altogether, Earl Bessborough's statements were of an encouraging character. * * * *