THE patent for Sir CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON'S peerage ought to be made out forthwith. His hot and early canvass for the Speakership has not secured him a majority of votes; and be must therefore be content to exhibit his talents for " humbug" on the floor of the House of Peers.
The hopes of a majority for the Court nominee rested upon the chance of wheedling the Reformers, or prematurely and unhand- somely filching promises of their support. That these artifices have, except in very rare instances, failed of their object, is manifest from the fuss made about the announcement by two of the most insignificant Members of the House that they intend to support the Tory tool. The first of these is Mr. HUGHES HUGHES; a noted trimmer, and who figures in our list of Doubtfuls. We never relied for an instant on his vote. He is one of those essentially unimportant persons, who strive to make themselves of temporary consequence on such occasions as that of a close division, by acting the part of renegade. No party can be sure of them; but the most likely method to gain their votes is to flatter their vanity. • Mr. HUGHES HUGHES received a letter from Lord JOHN RUSSELL, requesting his support of Mr. ABERCROMBY—because he has pretended to be a Reformer, and therefore might perhaps act with the Reformers. But instead of sending his reply to Lord JOHN, Mr. HUGHES seizes the oppor- tunity of bringing himself before the public, and despatches a letter to the Standard, containing his reasons for voting for MANNERS SUTTON; the principal of 'Which Seems to
be his desire to be classed among " gentlerneo,"—though, as
the Globe smartly observes, "voting for MANNERS SUTTON will not turn HUGHES HUGHES into a gentleman;" but the silly Member
for Oxford deceives himself on that point as on many others. He
also seems to think, that because he saved some of the Speaker's furniture at the great fire, he is bound to vote against Mr. ABER- CROMBY. It is evident that Mr. HUGHES HUGHES is no every clay logician, and that he arrives at his conclusions by an unusual process. The other acquisition is Mr. RICHARDS, the Member for Knaresborough. A story has been for some time current, which, we suspect, discloses the secret of his apostacy from the Liberal
party on this question. It will be remembered that he never rose to speak in the late Parliament without provoking roars of laughter by his peculiarity of manner. The Speaker en- joyed the fun prodigiously for some time, and frequently gave him
an opportunity of amusing the idle Members. But as there was neither wit nor pleasantry in Mr. Melt Artns's speeches, the sin- gular exhibitions be made became tiresome, and the well-trained eye of the wily MANNERS SUTTON avoided the Member for Knaress borough. This neglect provoked a personal complaint from Mr. RICHARDS. The Speaker called his powers of humbug into play,
put on a grave and contrite look, and solemnly assured Mr.
Rien.tens that his neglect was quite unintentional, and that in- deed. it was a punishment to himself to lose an opportunity of hearing My. RICHARDS address the House, as there was no Mem- ber of it whose speeches afforded him a higher personal gratifica- tion." This irony under the mask of gross flattery was not " too bad for poor Mr. RICHARDS; be accepted it all; and has ever _since had the highest opinion of MANNERS SUTTON'S discernment, impartiality, and amenity of demeanour. He too has sent his answer to Lord JOHN RUSSELL to the papers, declaring his inten- tion of voting against Mr. ABERC.ROMBY. These are the two converts of the week ; and upon the strength 43f their desertion, the Tories are endeavouring to persuade the blockheads who put faith in their predictions, that there are a hun• dred Reformers who will vote for MANNERS SUTTON! Where and who are the other ninety-eight? It had already transpired, that Sir ERA:eels BURDETT would not only misrepresent the electors of Westminster on the question of the Speakership, but would very probably go over at once to the Duke. He has long been expunged from our lift of" good men and true." It is understood that on this occasion female influencer has been employed to seduce him, as well as others. His consti-- tuents will represent the consequences of his vote to him in the strongest terms; but it is not supposed that their remonstrance will bring him back to the path of duty, for he is expected to speak as well as vote against Mr. ADERCROMBY. In this case, we trust that some able Member of the Opposition will inflict instant justice upon him : the whole House should witness the strip- ping of the solitary deserter from the phalanx of the Metro- politan Representatives. Let him then skulk into a Peerage, and continue to play the superannuated twaddler at Court for the remainder of his dishonoured existence.
There will be ample scope in the debate on the Speaker- ship for the exercise of the sarcastic powers of the leading Opposition orators. It is supposed that MANNERS SUTTON' will deliver a solemn harangue on the occasion, and plead his defence like a criminal at the bar. The Standard puts the contest on this footing, for the sake of the appeal ad misericor- diam—to vote for ABERCROMBY, would be a verdict of " guilty " against MANNERS SUTTON. But the Reformers will not be taken in by this mode of stating the question. It is not a personal affair. The imploring strains, the affected humiliation of' this. pensionednominee of the Court, should be quizzed; and we call upon O'CorrNeLL and WHITTLE HARVEY to "show up" the so- lemn trifler, if he do attempt to" humbug" the House.
It is to be hoped that the management of the debate will be left to the experienced tacticians, and that novices in Parliament, as well as prosers, will hold back for the present. Whoever speaks should study to be brief. No long harangue should afford an excuse to a 'Waverer to slip out and shirk a division. The "
whippers-in" should be constantly on the alert ; and all should keep in mind, that every species of trickery and unfairness will be resorted to by the Tories, to carry this, to them vital question.
Nothing but mismanagement can lose the victory to the Re- formers. It is ascertained that there will be a noble muster of the Opposition in the beginning of the ensuing week. The backsliders will be marked men. From Scotland and from Ireland many set out on their journey yesterday. The importance of being right in the "first move" is universally felt. Not a Tory will be absent from his post. The anxiety of Ministers is intense, and their anti- cipations most mortifying. They are laying themselves out to be beaten, and already vapou ring about "another dissolution." Have not, then, the Movement party, as distinguished from the Whig Juste Milieu, gained enough by the elections just over ? The
Liberals have no cause to fear another struggle in the constituen- cies,—first, because the Tories dare not dissolve ; secondly, be- cause if they were so audacious, the present Tory muster in Parliament would be diminished by the result.
The Peers of Scotland performed what they call an election, on Monday ; when the solitary Liberal among them, Lord L PH I N- STONE, was thrown out, to make room for Lord REAY, a Tory. All
the Scottish Representative Peers are now Anti-Reformers: while the People have returned a majority of Reforming Members in the proportion of about three to one This fact is decisive as to the "community of feeling" between the Peerage and the People in North Britain. It would have been more prudent, perhaps, bad there been an affectation at least of some sympathy between the privileged orders and the mass of the nation, on the part of the former.