Opiniond Of Tfic Pre6d.
R.tTIONALE OF VOTING ON T111: SPEAliERSIIIP. Courttita—We take leave to address a few weeds to a class of Members for whom we have a sincere respect, but whom we regard as......
Philharmonic Concerts.
THE second trial night for new emepositions intended for performance during the ensuing season, was on Wednesday evening. The principel novelty was the new Sinfonin by Seone,......
The Amount Of Absolute And Unconditional Promises To Vote...
Mr. Abercromby, as Speaker of the house of Commons, and against Sir Charles Manners Sutton, was up to yesterday :314—and in favour of • the latter scarcely '2:36. We have these......
S ATITR VS% The Aufpbury Gazette, received hit Hight, contains the subjoined letter from Rome, the contents of n bid' are not likely to prove very agreeable to the Miguelite......
East India Shipping.
The Sir Thomas Munro. Carew. hone London to New South Wales, It as wrecked on tii la111.1 or Bona Vista. loth Dee. The Edward Loralle, Strtytti, nom Loudon to New South Wales,......
Aioney Market.
The English Money Market has been eel y steedy since our last, aeil the fluctuations in Consols have been unimportata. Notwithstanding the supposed withdrawal of Bank-notes to......