The Aufpbury Gazette, received hit Hight, contains the subjoined letter from Rome, the contents of n bid' are not likely to prove very agreeable to the Miguelite faction in this country. " ROME, January 29.—The present English Ministry have declared, in a
note addressed to their Ambassador at Florence, Sir George Seymour, that England will du her utmost to uphold the Government of Donna Maria, and, if 4 he fletTSSary, protect it even against its foreign enemies. They never will isuffer Don Miguel to return to Portugal. They solicit the cooperation of the Italian Courts, which they urge to acknowledge immediately the lawful Queen, and thus consolidate the new state of things by delivering the country from the yoke of faction. M. Aida', Sir G. Seymour's agent at Rome, who has resided here for some years east, has, it is said, communicated this note to the Cardinel Secretary of State, and at the same time declated that the Portuguese Govern • meet will omit nothing to renew negotiations with the Holy See, aid make every advance for that purpose. Such a rommutacotion was cod er/ice ii /wee from Me English Government ; eery difiercut hopes were eot, riained the appointment of Sir Robert Pal was heard itf. Several diplomatist, here forthwith deapatched couriers in toiler to inform their respective Cabinets. Tice Cenumunication excites much attention it, the political circle, and it is thought that means will he found of rendering the acknowledgment possible. The marst difficult point to be settled will be the contest with the Ifishope, who are ex- cluded from the amnesty, and who have quitted their dioceses. It is thought that in a new arrangement other prelates may be appointed in their stead. 77,1- situation n_/ Lion Miguel is thus ranch altered in Rome, where he had hitherto been treated us King of Portugal. It is said that he is to quit our mynah"
From this letter it would seem that the report of Don Al;Gcri.'s secret departure from Rome was incorrect. It also appears that the Tories are going beyond their predecessors in persecuting "the law- ful Sovereign of Portugal," as they were wont to term the " monster." Had the Liberal Ministry taken measures to drive him from his place of refuge, what a clamour would have been raised by the men who now find it expedient to pursue the same course ! We do not blame them for their proceedings against Don M wain., but for their former advocacy of his cause, which it is now undeniable they bad taken up for purely factious purposes. These be thy rulers, 0 England !