THE second trial night for new emepositions intended for performance during the ensuing season, was on Wednesday evening. The principel novelty was the new Sinfonin by Seone, which, some time since, we :mummy(' to be in a state of preparation. Of its character we can only judee by a short introductory address from Sir Gamma: SMART, stating its intent and purpose to be " the intluenee of music on the character el Main, during the prominent scenes of his life from child- hood to the grave." From thei same source we leareed that its per- fornemee ought to he preceded by the delivery of the Ode on which it is founded, but that this was not thought necessary on: the present occasion. In the absolve of this document, it wouhl be only a blind mid imperfect opinion of its merits that we could supply. Neverthe- less, many of' its beauties were suffieiently palpable ; though some of its intricacies were inexplicable. It was an evidence of eu common power in the band to disentangle these, and present a composition of such difficulty in so perfect a form on the first trial.
A very poor Coneertaete Sinfonia, by LlSDPAINTER, followed ; in which much fine playing by the obligati wind instruments was thrown away. We suspect that this composition has been heard for the last as well as the first time. To this succeeded an Overture by a Mr. SALAMON, we believe a resident pianoforte-player. In saying that it was a respectable first essay, we award it a full share of praise. 'flue Directors of these Concerts, it seems, need remindiug that they are not a school for unfledged composers. We must refer Mr. SALAMON to an article in our Musical Review, and commend to his attention the advice it contains, and the precept with which it concludes-.