" N ' sermo est, sed gumji te.yit Oti•Ilus PAYS LATIN, -4th February Lew far B/cicioi:eod has proceeded in his portrait ; in what light, attitude, or action it is drawn ; and whether the resemblance be
more or less striking ; are questions lost in the obscurity of the
Pays Latim—a pule God-ibrgotten corner, where no Noefes ever -cm, and what passes in the upper world is known only through hehtlemadary Spore for which men and maidens pull caps, and hli they devour so greedily, that not a fragment of him is lolL to send elsewhere : rerbain sap. It is indeed a heathen
hole—a very ascetic, anti-Ambrosian wilderness. It is even be-
lieved that won: all the family peliles sottpes now smoking therein clubbed t gether, their entire essence, double distilled, would not
make so much as a tureen for the Shepherd. In this blessed igno- rance of what passes in upper earth, all that Pays Latin can do is to shoot a random arrow, and throw out a few hints, in hope that
3)1110 one or two may conic to time, and haply find place in the g.wdly work of rMabilitation which Mr. NORTH has undet taken for the old-fashioned and exploded name of Whig. But, 0 Sirs, it is an awfu thought, that pr:de should have been brought so low, and that old Lady Tory should have been reserved to hear her fitvourite eun preach Whiggery before she is yet fairly laid in earth ! The curses of Pays Latin on the blood-red out harridan have been ut- te-ed with as frank a geed-will as those of another one; but they never went the unchristian length of wishing her a fate like this. May she pass away easily ! Her scarlet sister, (lead in the days of ELIZABETH, is waiting for her beyond the gulf; and, like ange Ga- briel, in the liitndering Jew, beckons with a flaming turpentine stick, and cries—" Sister, come away ! It is a weary while since the last fagot was lighted in Smithfield and now the last blood has been idled at Rathcornme. Miserable mortals ! that will neither. burn nor bleed any longer! whose children will neither pass through fire to Moloch, nor pour their blood in a draught for Baal ! Come away, sister Tory, we have no business there. Conic to a land that ever burns, where the rivers run sauguineons; there thou shalt be fed and filled immeasurably ;• hot and blood-red is the place reserved for thee." So go, "gentle fury," and be no inure heard of upon earth. Meanwhile, let the Whigs, who are to help the old beldam at parting, and to play their own march at her burial, attend to the following words of0FELLITS, which Mr.Ctrats- TOPIIER NORTH, with all the zeal of a new convert, recommends to their deepest and most serious attention. Let them think that it-is the grave which speaks to them: that a spirit of 1688 Whiggery has been let out of purgatory to read them a warning; that the voice of the dead and the living, of friend and foe, of BURKE and Black- wood, combine to admonish them of the way they should go, and conjure them to be Whigs indeed—" Whigs as they ought to be— pure old Whigs."] TI1E SPIRIT AND PRINCIpLES or Mn. Benxi; (with a rjelame by Biarkwood). "A great and glorious part now awaits the Whigs, who are really worthy of the name—who have imbibed the spirit and embraced the principles of Mr. BURKE. . . . Now is the time to show that they still inherit them—to convince the world that the spirit of their fathers still lives in their descendants. Matters have at length come too crisis: the fide of the empire, and with it of freedom all over the world, is at stake; a single false step on their part may now consign all the institu- tions of the country to the dust."—Blackwood's Magazine for February 1835.
"It had always, until of late, e. the accession of GEORGE the Third and the .Tories] been held the first duty of Parliament to refuse to support Government, until power was in the hands ofpersons who were au- reptable to the People, or while factions p; dominated in the Court in telelch the nation had ?to confidence. Thus all the good effects of popular elec- tion were supposed to be secured to us, without the mischiefs attending on perpetual intrigue, and a distinct canvas for every particular office throughout the body of the People. This was the most noble and refined part (join? Constitution. . . . Formerly this power of control was what kept Ministers in awe of Parliaments, and Parliaments in reve- rence with the People. If the use of this power of control on the system and persons ef Administration is gone, every thing is lost, Par- liament and all. We mayassure ourselves, that it' Parliament will tamely see evil men take possession of the strongholds of their country, and allow them time and means to fortify themselves, under a pretence of GIVING THEM a FAIR Taw., and upon a hope of discovering whether they will not be reformed by power, . . such a Parliament will give coun- tenance to their measures also, whaterer that Parliament may pretend, and whatever those measures may be. Undoubtedly, the very worst Adminis- tration will find more support than it deserves. Sufficient appearances will never be wanting to those who have a mind to deceive themselves." [0 ye who rejoice in the name of Whig—whether you be Whig-Con- servateurs or Whig-Rfformistes, as the Journal des Dibats distinguishes you—take Blackwood's advice, and repeat these words, stans pede in Sno, every morning when you get up and every. night ere you lie down, until you are delivered of your first vote against Mr. MANNERS SUTTON on the question of the Speaker, and of your second against Sir ROBERT PEEL on that of the Address. Remember Blackwood's warn- ing--" all is at stake," and "a single false step," a a:ogle vote, may ruin all ; else expect to Lear what BURKE says ought to he thought of you by your constituents, whom also be thus admonishes.)
" Until a confidence in Gove»oni nt is re establish( d, the People ought to be excited to mm more strict and detailed attention to the cooduet of their Represeetatives. Standards for judging more systematically man their conduct ought to be settled in meetiegs. . . . Frequent and correct lists of the voters in all important questions onght to be pro- cured. By such means, it may appear te.'w those are that, by an indis- criminate support ofahl Administrations, hare totally banished all iniepily and confidence uut i;f public preccedim,s—Lave confouteled the best mete with the worst." . . . " The electors ought to esteem it no less ealpabb in their Member to gire a siNGLE VOTE in Parliament to .seell .1dminiqration, Man to take under it—to ENDuHE a THAN TO ACT IN IT. 'flic eotorions infidelity and versatility of Members of Przliu- ment, in their opinions ofinen and thiegs, ought in a particular manner to be considered by the electors in the inquiry which is recommended to them. This is one of the principal holdings of the lit:smut-mt.: sYSTEM." [Hear this and tremble, " intensely, intensely tremble thereat," all ye who, after having been Reformers on the hustings, mean to coquet with the beldam. Touch not the accursed thing. There is an eye above ye, and the eye will mark you ; and has given the marks by which the eye !nay know you. " An indolent and submissive disposition ; a disposition to think diaritably iJ all the actions if Mal in power, and to live in a inefaul intercourse olfiwours thou." By these signs ye shall be known, black sheep; and remember, a single vote to sad, an Ad.. ministration" betrays you.] Beim: ON THE CANT " NEN. hUT MEASURES A HINT To WAVEI.ERs AND RENEGADES. " It is an advantage to all IIRTTOW WisdOin iIIId narrOW morals, that their maxims have a plausible air, and, on a eursory view, appear equal to first principles. They are light and portable ; they are as current as copper coins, and about as valuable. They serve equally the first capacities and the lowest; and they are at leaat as usifill to the worst men as the last. Of this stamp is the cant of " Not men, bat measures ;" a sort of charm by which many people get loosefruni Leery honourable (111(1in:fwd." . . . " When the abettors of the new system tell us, that between them and their opposers there is nothiug but a struggle for power, anti that therefore we are no ways concerned in it, we must tell those who laire impedenee to insult as in this manner, that of :.11 things we (night if I be. the most concerned who and what sor1 ef men they are that held the trust ef every thing that is dear to us. Nothing can render this a point of indifference to the Na- tion, but what lutist either render us totally desperate or soothe us into the security of idiots." [So, dear bellwether of the blink sheep, sweet renegade Times, have done ringing your bell and crying, " Not men, but measures." Air. Beam: tells you, it is a cant, " as useful to the worst men as to the best ;" that it is sheer " impudence in you to in- sult u. in this manner ;" and that we should be 'newt: " idiots" to listen to you.] Mn. BURKE'S OPINION OF "THE SORT OF MEN" THAT SHOULD AND SlIoULD NoT " HOLD THE TRI'sr OF ALL TISAT IS DEAR TO US." " It is no mean security for a proper use of power, that a man has shown by the general know- of his actions, that the affections, the good opinion, the confidence ofhis Flow-citizens, have been among the principal olgeets of his ; and that he has owed none of the gradations of his power or fortune to a settled contempt of their esteem." [Mr. BURKE bids us judge a Minister, not by a Tamworth discourse after dinner, or a Tam- wt.), th manifesto, but by the genera/ tenour of his actions. He there- fore bids us distrust the Tamworth Premar, because the Anti- Reforming tenour of his actions gives the lie direct to his professions of Reform. Mr. Buese tells us, that the "sort of man" to trust, is one who values the " good opinion and confidence of his fellow-citizens," and not one who has always evinced a " settled contempt of their esteem :" be therefore enjoins us to dismiss the Dragoon Dictator, whose Government, in accordance with the tenour of his actions and even of his declarations, is founded not on confidence, but on contempt. Mr. BULKE gives one more condition by which to test " the sort of men," and this is decisive of the whole Tory clique now wriggled into power, to perpetuate their pensions, places, sinecures, pluralities, and " all that is dear to them." " Those knots or cabals of men who have got together avowedly without any public principle, to sell their CON- JUNCT INIQUITY at the higher rate, and are therefore universally odious, ought never to be suffered to domineer in the State ; because they have no connexion with the sentimoits and opinions of the People."
A PURE OLD WHIG'S OPINION OF THE PEOPLE'S PREROGATIVE IN THE FORMATION OF MINISTRIES. " The people of a free C01111110111.... wealth, who have taken such care that their laws should be the result of. general consent, cannot be so senseless as to sailer their EXECUTORY SYSTEM to be composed of persons on whom they have no dependence, and whom no proofs of the public love and confidence have recommended to those powers." [Hear this, all ye " who have imbibed the spirit and embraced the principles of Mr. Erase.") A PURE OLD WHIG's NOTION OF A GOVERNMENT THAT DOSS NOT WORK WELL. " That form of Government which neither in its direct institutions nor in their immediate tendency has contrived to throw its affairs into the most trustworthy hands, but has left its whole executory system to be disposed of agreeably to the uncoil rolled pleasure 0 any one man, however excellent or virtuous, is a plan of polity defective not only in that member, but consequently erroneous in every part if it." [Look to your " plan of polity," ye " Constitutional Itligs :" your Constitu- tion is " erroneous in every part of it," unless you vindicate Its in- tegrity, and prove it, by its workieg, to be something very different from the Constitution of the Tories. " Comince the world that the spirit (of Mr. Buns) still lives" in his successors.'
Government like ours, composed of Monarchy and controls, . is that the Prince shall not be able to violate the laws. But this is no more than a negative advantage, an armour merely defensive. It is, therefore, next in order, $and equal in importance, that the discretionary powers which are vested in the Monarch, whether for the execution of the laws, Or for the nomination to magistracy and office, or for the conducting of peace and war, should all be exercised upon public princi- ples and national grounds, awl not an the likings or pradiees, the in- trigues or policies of a Court." VAN BURKE says that the King's dis-
cretionary powers should be exercised with a view to the consolidation of the empire by the removal of inequalities and the redress of wrongs at home, to the preservation of peace and freedom against encroaching military despotisins abroad, and to the extension of commerce by wise and liberal legislation ; which are " public principles and national grounds" in Great Britain ; and not for the consolidation of sinecures and pensions, for the perpetuating of disunion and inequalities, for the more equitable division of booty, for redressing wrongs by giving the
Frievance for the remedy, for troubling the peace of Europe, for back- ing despotism against liberty, for furthering the views of a grasping autocracy, and for hampering commerce by commotions abroad and restrictions at home. A Government, says Mr. BURKE, should be founded on " public principles and national grounds," not on the likings of German ladies, the prejudices of " any one man, however excellent or virtuous," and the intrigues of bedchamber Lords and the whispers of back-stairs Bishops ; and Blackwood tells you, "that the fate of the empire, and with it offreedom all over the world, is at stake.") A PURE OLD WHIG'S EXPLANATION OF THE EVILS THAT HAVE F011 DALE A Ck:NTURY BEFALLEN THE NATION. " The discretionary power ofthe Crown in the formation of a Ministry abused by bad or weak men. . . This is the fountain of all those bitter waters of which, through a hundred different conduits, we have drunk until we are ready to burst.") . A rime OLD WHIG'S DEFINITIONS OF THE RESPECTIVE SHARES OF PRINCE AND PEOPLE IN THE ClioICE OF ADMINISTRATIONS. " The People, by their Representatives, were intrusted with a deliberative power in making laws ; the King with the control of his negative. The King was intrusted with the deliberative choice and the election to olice ; the People had the negative in a PARLIAMENTARY REFUSAL TO SUPPORT." [And he adds, as above, that if this power is not exerted, "every thing is lost, PARLIAMENT AND ALL." ]OW, then, is the time," quoth Blackwood to the 1Vhigs, " to show that they still inherit the principles of Mr. Bu1Lee."1 A PURE OLD WHIG'S BLUNT OPINION OF HIS MAJESTY'S "UN- DOUBTED RIGHT TO USE HIS PREROGATIVE IN WHAT WAY HE PLEASES." " These are considerations which in my opinion, enforce the necessity of having some better reason, in a free country and a free Parliament, for supporting the Ministers of the Crown, than that short one., that THE KING HAS THOUGHT PROPER TO APPOINT THEM." Hearken to that, ye " Constitutional Whigs, who have imbibed the spirit of Mr. BURKE."] A PURE OLD Tony's OPINION ON THE SAME SUBJECT. a It was to be avowed as a Constitutional maxim, that the King might appoint one of his footmen, or one of your footmen, for Minister ; and that he ought to be, and that he would be as well followed as the first name for wis- dom in the nation. Thus be, was to look on, as !.f perfectly un- concerned, while a cabal of the closet and back-stairs was substituted in the place of a National Administration." [0 ye Whigs, whether you re- joice in the cognomen of Reformers or Conservatives bethink you, there is a leaven of two hundred and fifty creatures like Conservatives, wriggled
into the House of Commons, who are ready to vote for a boot and spur, if it preside in the King's name. The "great and glorious part
awaits you, if you are worthy of the name of Whigs," of ejecting the boot and spur at the very first opportunity, rescuing the poor Tory idolators from their calf in Bethel, and turning them to the worship of the true God.] BURKE'S ADVICE HOW TO DEAL WITH THE TORY VERMIN, and put down" a faction ruling by the private inclinations of a Court against the general sense of the People." " Nothing but a firm combination of public men against this body, and that too supported by the hearty con- currence of the People at large, can possibly get the better of it." [Of "hearty concurrence" assure yourselves, 0 Whigs ! only crush the Tory vermin, and the People will wear you in their "heart of hearts."] BURKE'S EXHORTATION TO TIIE OPPOSITION OF 1835, ON THE NECESSITY OF DISCIPLINE AND COMBINATION. "When men lie dis- persed, without concert, order, or discipline, communication is uncer- tain, counsel difficult, and resistance impracticable. In aconnexion, the most inconsiderable man has his value, and his use; out of it, the greatest talents are wholly unserviceable to the public. No man who is not inflamed by vain glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united cabals of ambitious citizens. IVben bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by. one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." [Listen to the wise OreLees, ye STANLEYS and GRAHAMS, who call yourselves Con- servative Whigs, and stand aloof from the Whig Reformers; ye RUSSELLS, CAMPBELLS, and ABET CROMBIES, who call yourselves Re- formers, and draw nice distinctions between yourselves and your fel- lows in the battle against abuse; ye HUMES, O'Coanszeia.s, and GROTE% who call yourselves Radical Reformers, and hold all cheap who cut not so close or so deep as yourselves. Reformers of all shades, degrees, and names, ye have one common enemy in the Tory vermin, who will eat you up, "one by one," if you crush them not by a united effort, or, in their own slang, "by a long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether."] A PURE OLD WHIG'S HINT TO THE LOVERS OF "ORDER" AT THE PRESENT CRISIS. " They stand in a most distressing alternative; but In the election, among evils, they hope better things from temporary con- fusion than from established servitude."
A PURE OLD WHIG's HINTS TO THE FRIENDS OF THE CONSTITUTION. " While a system of administration is attempted entirely repugnant to the genius of the People, every thing must necessarily be disordered for a time, until this system destroys the Constitution or the Constitution gets the better ca,f this system."
A sente OLD WHIG'S HINT TO "CREDULOUS, GOOD SOULS." It was constantly in the mouths of all the runners of the Court, that nothing could preserve the balance of the Constitution from being overturned by the rabble, or by a faction . . . but to free the Sovereign effectually from that Ministerial tyranny [i. e. a Ministry supported by the People] under which the Royal dignity had been oppressed. The whole was exactly disposed to captivate those good souls whose credu- lous morality is so invaluable a treasure:to crafty politicians." [The pre- tence was, to prevent the Kingfrom being enslaved by a faction.] A PURE OLD WHIG'S HINT TO THE LOYAL UPHOLDERS.OF " EVERY GOVERNMENT." " When u 'Ministry rests upon public opinion, it is not indeed built upon a rock of adamant ; it has, however, some stability. But when it stands upon private humour, its structure is of stubble, mid its foundation on quicksand. I repeat it again, lie that supports every Administration subverts all Government."
A PURE OLD WHIG'S HINT To THE PEOPLE AT Tim PRESENT ening. " Their whole importance, in the first instance, and afterwards their whole freedom, is at stake. Their freedom cannot long survive their importance. We are at present at issue upon this point. We are on the great crisis V this contention, [i. e. whether the People are to be governed by the Lords, Or BY THEIR OWN REPRESENTATIVES.. In spite of the beautiful balance, to this it has come at last. " Now is the time to show that the spirit of your fathers still lives in their de- scendants."] A puRE OLD 1688 WHIG'S ADVICE TO TIIE FIFTH KING OF THE HOUSE OF HANovER. " It is not more the duty than it is the interest of a Prince to aim at giving tranquillity to his Government. But those who advise him may have an interest in disorder and confusion. If the opinion of the People is against them, they will naturally wish that it should have no prevalence." . . . " It is the true interest of the Prince to have an Administration composed of those who commend themselves to their Sovereign through the opinion of their country." A lama OLD WHIG'S II1NT TO A GREAT GENERAL AND WOULD-BE STATESMAN. " The temper of the People amongst whom be presides ought to be the first study of a statesman. And the knowledge of this temper it is by no means impossible for him to attain, if he has not an znterest in being ignorant of what it is his duty to learn." A PURE OLD WHIG's HINT, AT PARTING, TO BLACKWOOD. " It is not to be argued that we endure no grievance, because our grievances are not of the same sort with those under which we laboured formerly ; not pre- cisely those which we bore from the TUDORS, or vindicated on the STUARTs. . . . Few are the partisans of departed tyranny; and to be a Whig on the business of a hundred years ago, is very consistent with every advantage of present servility." [Verbum sap., Mr. NORTH.] MR. BURKE'S pARTING ADVICE TO THE PEOPLE, AND PROGNOSTICA- TiON OF THE WORKING OF A REFORMED HOUSE or COMMONS. "The
People will endeavour to keep that House, for its existence, for its
powers, and its privileges, as independent of every other, and as dependent upon themselves, as possible. This servitude is to a House of Com-
mons (like obedience to the Divine law) perfect freedom.' . . .
When, through the medium of their just connexion with their consti- tuents, the genuine dignity of the House of Commons is restored, it
will begin to think of casting from it, with scorn, all the false orna-
ments of illegal power, with which it has been, for some time disgraced. It will begin to think of its old office of CONTROL. It will not suffir the last evils to predominate in the country—MEN wiTHOUT POPULAR CON. FIDENCE AND PUBLIC OPINION, INVESTED WITH ALL TILE poWERS OF GOVERNMENT." [Cock crows. "But soft ! methinks I scent the morning air: Adieu, adieu, adieu, RE3IEMBER ME!"
[Exit " Spirit of Mr. BURKE."
[The "low Radicals," as the adversaries of Sir C. M. SUTTON are termed by the renegade Times, (whose praise is a dishonour, and whose i abuse s a title to men's respect,) beg to remind gentlemen of the House of Commons, that Mr. BURKE "esteems it no less culpable in a Member to give A SINGLE VOTE in Parliament to Buell an Adminis- tration, than to take office under it.]