Tire Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution having become firmly established, is removed to more commodious premises, No. 17, Edward Street, Portman Square ; where we attended, on Monday evening, a lecture on Steam-carriages, by Mr. ALEXANDER GORDON. The drawing-room floor of a roomy house is fitted up with benches, as a temporary theatre for lectures ; and it was completely filled by a respectable and attentive audience. It would be superfluous, to re- capitulate the heads of a subject so often travelled over, especially aa. our object is to notice the Institution itself. As a local library and reading-room, independent of the attraction of a weekly series of lectures by professors of high literary and scientific attainment, it merits the success which appears to have attended its progress.
Mr. HEMMING, the President, a most experienced practical chemist, lectures on Chemistry every Thursday evening; and among the Mon- day evening lecturers are Mr. ATHERST0NE, the poet, on Elocution ; Mr. THOMAS Plumees, on Singing ; Mr. HARRIS, on Style ; Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, on Mineral Veins ; Mr. BRIDGMAN, On the Drama; and Professor VAUGHAN, on the Study of llistory. A series of lectures On Natural Philosophy, by Dr. LARDNER, is 14SO announced.
. Each subscriber is privileged to bring a lady on lecture evenings ; thus extending some of the advantages of the Institution to the female members of a family. The utility of such societies is too obvious to need recommendation. No populous district should be without one : indeed, we doubt if there be, for we hear of them at Isliogom and Hackney, as well as in Leicester Square and Marylebone.