Sinfonia in F Minor; arranged for two performers on the
Piano- forte. By G. A. MACFARREN.
This Sinfonia was performed at one of the British Concerts, and is thus presented in a condensed form to the public. It is commendable and meritorious in our juvenile writers to employ themselves in works of the highest class; it gives the habit of correct scoring, and implies industry and zeal. But the mistake is, that these compositions, instead of being regarded as what they are—inexperienced efforts—are thrust before the public as worthy their attention. If the misjudging kindness of friends have urged Mr. M‘FeisaEN to send forth a Sinfonia occu- pying no less than pages, he must be told plainly that his store of ideas and his general musical resources are not sufficient to warrant such a demand on the time and patience of his hearers. This composition shows sufficient talent to enable us to augur well of its author's future productions; but he should remember the precept of HORACE—.
" Sumite materiana vestris, qili seribitis, 'aquaria
Viribus : et versate din, quid term reeuseut, Quid aleant humeri."