Cbr Court.
THE King held a Court and Privy Council at Brighton on Saturday, and pricked the list of Sheriffs for the current year. In the evening, Ile Cabinet Ministers who attended the Council dined with the King and Queen.
The Duke of Gordon had an audience of the King on Monday, and -Mined with their Majesties in the evening. Besides his Grace, the Marquis and Marchioness of Conytigham, Lady Mary Fox, Colonel, Mrs. and Miss Cavendish, were of the party.
There was a small dinner-party at the Palace on Tuesday, at which Lord 1Vestern, Marquis Conyngliani, and the Marquis of Bristol were jpresent. Their Majesties intend to leave Brighton for St. James's Palace on the 18th instant. It is expected that they will go to Windsor about the middle of the following week, for a few days.