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A wardmote was held on Monday for the purpose of electing an Alderman in the room of Alderman Ansley, who as senior Alderman
of the City, became, upon the resignation of Sir Richard Carr Glyn,
the representative of the Ward of Bridge Without in that Court. Cordwainers' Hall was crowded upon the occasion, report having stated
that an exposure of ward intrigue and a strong contest would take
place. At three o'clock, the Lord Mayor took the chair. Mr. Allen proposed, and Mr. Nicholls seconded, the nomination of Mr. John lainson. Mr. Legge proposed, and Mr. Crocker seconded, the no-
snination of Mr. John Bradley Shuttleworth. After a great deal of discussion, of interest only to those in the ward, Mr. LaillS011 and Mr.
Bhuttleworth both declared that they would, if upon any occasion,
through infirmity or pecuniary loss, they should by incapacitated from performing the duties of the situation, resign the office to the con- stituency. The show of hands was then taken, and proved to be ten to one in favour of Mr. Lainson ; who was thereupon duly elected. Mr. Shuttlevvorth then said he had no idea of disturbing the ward by a poll, after such an expression of the general feeling. A vote of thanks was passed to the Lord Mayor, and the wardtnote was dis- solved.
The electors of the Tower Hamlets who voted for Mr. Clay and Dr. Lushington intend giving those gentlemen a dinner on Monday next, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street. Lord Durham has been invited, and intends, it is said, to be present. —Herald.
The return of Messrs. Byng and Hume for Middlesex was celebrated at Edmonton, on Wednesday, by a dinner, which was attended by Dr.
Lushington, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Hunmhery, and Sir S. Whalley, as well as by Mr. Hume. Several of these gentlemen delivered speeches ; which, however, contain no passages necessary to be extracted.
Great preparations are being made for the dinner intended to be given to Messrs. Humpliery and Harvey, by the electors of South- wark, in a very magnificent style. The large room at the New London Bridge Tavern, which is 74 feet by 32, has been fitted up as a tent, and splendidly adorned with the national and city flags.
There has been a struggle against a church-rate in Hammersmith ; which terminated in favour of the Church, by a majority of 14 on two days' polling ; the numbers being 250 and 2%.
The Governors of St. Thomas's Hospital, on Wednesday, according to custom, unanimously elected the Lord Mayor President of that foundation in the room of Mr. Alderman C. Smith deceased.
The Reformers of the Tower Hamlets have adopted a plan which we should wish to see followed by every district in the Metropolis. They have formed themselves into a society of watchfulness, in order that they may, in case of any sudden emergency, have their forces con- centrated, and be ready to secure the election of Reform candidates. They meet every week ; and in addition to the above objects, their exertions will be used to promote Triennial Parliaments, vote by Ballot, and a proper registration of the Borough and County voters. — Gide.
A correspondent of the Morning Chronicle states the following cir- cumstances respecting the Lectureship of the parish church of St. Vedaat, Foster Lane, which is now vacant.
"The parishioners had arranged to hear probationary sermons from eight of the candidates, in order to judge of their fitness for the sacred trust. But the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London have sent an order to the Rector that no probationary sermons shall be allowed to take place ; cense- epasstly the parishioners shall not be permitted to have an opportunity ofjudging of their qualifications. I refrain from comment : but would just beg to Inquire, what wholesome Church Reform can be expected from the labours of the Corn- tea upon the present Church Commission, having two such dignitaries bad. and who now exert their power in so intolerant and tyrannical a The fifth annual meeting of the Marylehone Savings Bank was held on Tuesday, at the office; Lord Radstaitie the chair. The progress of this bank continues most satisfactory: .2088 deposit accounts were opened last year; 4,948trait accounts remained open on the 20th
November last, and ups of 69,0001. was then invested with the Commissioners. This amount has since risen to nearly 74,0001., and is rapidly on the advance. Mr. Duncombe, the Member for Finsbury, is taking an interest in the great cattle-market at Islington, the projectors of which were un- successful in getting a bill through Parliament last session. He is very anxious to ascertain what local interests will be affected by the removal of the market from Smithfield, and to get every information relative to the matter which he can, preparatory to another bill being brought into Parliament. [If Mr. Duncombe succeeds in procuring the removal of the market from Smithfield, he will be entitled to the thanks of every person of decent and humane feelings ; and will have done more to prevent "cruelty to animals," that Mr. Martin's Act would effect in a century.)
A number of the parishioners of St. George in the East met on Thursday night, for the purpose of calling on the parish authorities to prosecute Barnett and his wife, whose infamous conduct to the daughter of Mr. Waller the public is already acquainted with. A deputation was appointed to call on the parochial officers, and report the result of their application on Wednesday next. Mr. Morris, of Wellclose Square, said that he had last year called the attention of the Police Committee of the House of Commons to the shocking state of the Commercial Road and the streets in its vicinity— But the Members would not give credence to his statements ; they thought he was exaggerating; and Mr. B. Carter, the Member for Portsmouth, who was Chairman of the Committee, told him that the prostitutes and brothel- keepers were a sort of necessary evil, and must be tolerated to a certain extent, and that such was the case on the Continent. In reply to this, he observed to Mr. Carter, that he was quite aware it was impossible to abolish prostitution in great cities; but he had never seen on the Continent, where he had travelled, such scenes of depravity, and such violation of common decency, as was exhi- bited every night in the Commercial Road ; and he was of opinion that the Po- lice ought to preserve something like order. Lord Rowick, who was then in office, asked him where the Commercial Road was, and said he had never heard of such a place before. His Lordship asked the messenger to produce a map of London, to fiud it out !!