14 FEBRUARY 1835, Page 2

The Lord Chancellor has appointed Tuesday the 17th for bearing

the appeal against the decision of the Vice- Chancellor, in the ease of Lady Hewley's charity, entitled the " Attorney- General versus Shore," which excites so much interest among the Dissenters.

In the Court of King's Bench, on Monday, a Mr. Wigley was tried on a charge of perjury, brought by O'Gorman Mahon, who had bad some bill transactions with him. Sir F. Pollock, however, had not concluded his statement for the prosecution, before Mr. Justice Cole- ridge stopped the case ; as he said there was not enough to go to the Jury, if all that was alleged against Mr. Wigley was proved. The defendant was therefore acquitted. Another case was then proceeded with ; but the Court was soon interrupted by a noise outside, followed by a complaint that O'Gorman Mahon had furiously assaulted Mr. Wigley in the passage, and broke or dislocated his jaw. After consult- ing with the Judges in the Court of Exchequer, Mr. Justice Cole- ridge inquired into the circumstances of the assault. O'Gorman Mahon endeavoured to prove that Wigley had pushed against him, at d provoked him by abusive language ; but it seemed clear enough that he was himself the aggressor ; and he was sentenced to three days' im- prisonment. He conducted himself with most respectful submission to the Court, otherwise the sentence would probably have been more severe.

Mr. Gibbs Crawford Antrobus, high Sheriff of Cheshire, was tried yesterday on the charge of haring refused to execute Garside and Mosley, the murderers of Mr. Ashton, according to the o eer o the Judge of Assize. The defendant sat within the bar allotted for K ng's counsel. After long legal arguments by Sir F. Pollock and S r J. Campbell for the Crown, Mr. Lloyd, the Clerk of A size on the Chester Circuit, was examined for the prosecution. Mr. Ma de, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Welsby, contended for the defendant, that t mere iv. not sufficient evidence to go to the Jury. In this the Court coacurred; on the ground that " as the Sheriff had not the custody of the prisoners, and cou'd not dema ud them by any common law right, distinct authority should ha.e been giv.tn him by warrant to receive their bodies and do execution upon the o, End dista let directions given to the constable of the castle of Chester, by habeas corpus or precept, to deliver their bodies to the Sheriff that execulion might be dote upon them."

The defendant was then acquitted.

On Tuesday, the Court of Exchequer was engaged some time in the trial of an action for seduction, brought by a watchmaker named Schaffer, on behalf of his daughter, against an engraver, Le Petit. Julia Maria Schaffer, the girl, stated, that Le Petit lodged in her father's house, in Spencer Street, Goswell Street. She used to wait on him ; and he seduced her under a promise of marriage, in Decem- ber 1832. She became pregnant in September 1833; and the defen- dant gave her some medicine to procure an abortion; but she WaS de- livered in the summer of 1834. She admitted that she had declared that another person, a surgeon, was the father of her child ; but this, she now said, was false. The defendant was married, and bad deserted her. The Jury believed this story ; and found a verdict with 133/. damages for the plaintiff.

On Wednesday, an action for libel, brought by F. de Moscati an Italian teacher of languages, against the Times newspaper, was,. tried in this court. The report of the trial occupies seven columns ot the Times : but a summary of it will satisfy our readers. It appeared that 11loseati came to England in search, as he says, of his wife, who had eloped with an Irishman, in September 1831. He pretended to be a Marquis ; and said that he had formerly been an Aide-de-camp to Napoleon, and a very great traveller, having traversed Asia and the whole of Europe, and visited North America. He was introduced to Dr. Elliotson, Mr. Faraday, Dr. Fellowes, and other gentlemen, who employed him to teach the Continental languages in their families, and got him an appointment to deliver lectures at the Royal Institution

the Phrenological Society, and elsewhere. Moscati, who pleaded his own cause, thus describes his enviable position in the Metropolis at that time-

" My success was beyond the expeetations of my friends. I delighted, amused, astoniahed my auditors. Every paper in London spoke of nit in the highest terms of prawe. I became the lion of the day : every body spoke of me—wished to see me—to have my autograph and poems. 'I was, in fact, a great man, an exceeding great man, the greatest man in London. There was a gentleman, whose name I will not mention, who was very fond of lions who will cut a very conspicuous figure is this trial, and who expressed his wish strongly to see me. I said to Professor Faraday, that if he invited me personally, most pro- bably I would call ea him. I WM then the ina provisatore at every evening party— a kind of Mephistophiles ; every burly shook me by the hand ; sod I was obliged tar have my hand tied up."

The person alluded to in this passage was Dr. Ellictson, at whose house he met one of the editors of the Times and Mr. Alsager. It does not appear that Moscati ever wrote a line for the Times, or ever was at the table of the editor ; but he boasted in all societies of being the writer of the foreign leaders in that journal, and of his great influence

those journals. The pay he got from the Times was he affirmed, three which Winchester had issued, in consequence of reading an account in guineas a day. He told all sorts of absurd stories about what he saw in the paper, that the girl was ill-treated by Captain M'Intyre and his

fine in texture that it could go into a snuffbox. Moscati also pre- she found that her lover was dead ; and having, as she said, no other tended to have fought ninety duels, and bit all his antagonists in the resource so good, she persevered in her disguise, and hired herself as a eye. He had a bullet in his pericranium, for which Sir A stley Cooper of. cabin-boy to go to St. Andrew's, where she was engaged by Captain fered him a thousand guineas. In short, the man seems to have done little M'Intyre. She now wished to go to her father's house again ; her else but utter the most ridiculous rhodomontade. It would appear that no secret having been discovered by a sailor who saw her washing herself.

notice was taken of his stories by the Times, till March last; when She had always been kindly treated by Captain 111,Intyre and the a M. Chapotin, of Paris, directed a letter to Moscati under cover to the crew. The Captain said, she was an active sailor, and would run up Times, in the supposition that he was a regular employe on that este- the shrouds in a storm as boldly as any one on board. The Lord blishment. This provoked the following note in the Times of 6th Mayor gave directions that she should be taken care of until her

„March 1834— father could be informed of her situation. She is said to be short in

" We have received a letter from Paris, signed ' Chapotin, Rue de Valois,' stature, and of a swarthy complexion; and her hands have become as inclosing a letter for a Monsieur Moscati, whom the writer addresses as con- hard as those of a seaman. nected with the Times journal. This is not the first time that we have heard At Bow Street, on Thursday, O'Gorman Mahon was held to bail of a person named Moscati pretending to be employed on this paper. We have for his assault on Mr. Wigley, the solicitor, in the passage leading

to state, that no person of that name has ever had die smallest connexion, direct

or indirect, with the Times; and that we shall be greatly obliged for any in- from the Court of King's Bench. He was brought from prison, to formation which may enable us to expose, in some exemplary way, the conduct of this pretender. We shall be very happy, if M. Chapotin has been imposed ment for his contempt of court. Mr. lVigley's solicitor offered to upon by him, to lend our assistance to punish the impostor." compromise the matter, if Mahon would apologize, and pay a consi-

A correspondence ensued between Moscati and the Times in the siderable sum to any charitable institution. This offer was refused; course of which the former was charged with the lies he liacl told, and the prisoner declared that be had been called a ruffian, and grossly which he partly denied and partly admitted. The Times certainly abused, before he committed the assault ; and that he struck Wigley showered heaps of abuse upon Moscati ; who thus sums up the character on the impulse of the moment, not knowing who he was, else he should bestowed on him in the Leading Journal— have punished him more severely.

fabricator of silly and atrocious falsehood, a cementer of infatnous alliances, an Marlborough Street Office yesterday, on a charge of having committed indivithial notoriously incapable of intelligence and truth, an impudent and an indecent assault, last Thursday evening, on George Whidby, a foot- stupid fellow, a poor creature, a man whose understanding is as stupified as his man in the service of a lady residing in Euston Square. The corn- moral sense, and who ;should skulk into a corner till his name and offence are pluinant pointed out the prisoner to a Policeman, who succeeded in forgotten. All thia from an editor who has less talent in his whole head than I capturing him, though he ran off as fast as he could on seeing the

have in my foot." Policeman. The security for the prisoner's appearance to take his trial The consequence of the attacks in the Times, was the utter ruin of at the next Westminster Sessions was himself in 200/. and two sureties Aloseati ; who could obtain no employment, and has since been in in 1001. each. Several gentlemen attended to give evidence to the great distress. The lies imputed to him were all proved by the character of the prisoner; but his counsel, Mr. Phillips, declined evidence of Dr. Fellowes, Dr. Elliotson, Mr. Bailliere, the bookseller examining them at that stage of the proceedings. in Regent Street, and other witnesses, to have been really uttered by At the Queen Square Office, on Tuesday, Thomas Gooke, a con-

the plaintiff. Moscati replied to the evidence of the defendant; and stable, was charged with illegally billeting four soldiers upon Robert asserted, in proof of his ability to write the leaders of the Times, that Keene, a tavern-keeper in Pimlico. There were seven public-houses he had written leading articles for the True Sun; but as he was clearly in the neighbourhood, in none of which were any soldiers billeted. snaking bad worse, Baron Alderson interfered, and on his recommen- The Magistrate reprimanded the constable, and said that he was liable dation Moscati consented to withdraw a juror, in order to save the costs to a permit y of 25/. for such conduct' but he was filially discharged, or.

of the action. Sir John Campbell arid Mr. Platt were counsel for the payment of costs and the whole of the expenses incurred by the coin- defendant; Moscati was assisted by Mr. Butt. plainant.

Moscati. " We would fain abstain from any further exposure of the by two summonses which have been served on Messrs. Forester and character of this person ; who is the most remarkable victim to a Williams, to appear before the Magistrates at Bow Street, on Tuesday heated imagination, and a want of all sense of the virtue of truth, that next, in answer to an information for performing at an unlicensed we ever encountered. But one of the editors of this journal having been theatre. The information is laid under the 25th of George the Second. subpcenaed upon the trial, and prevented, by the Court, from contra- dicting the assertion of the plaintiff, we owe it to ourselves to state the . The Metropolis in the course of Monday night was visited by an im- precise nature of Moscati's connexion with us. In the summer of 1832, usually violent storm of wind from the north-east, accompanied by snow, he used to call at our office with letters of various kinds, professing to contain secret intelligence about the political movements on the Conti- A fire was discovered, one day in the early part of the week, in the nem. For a short time we availed ourselves of his statements ; but we soon discovered that not the slightest reliance could be placed on his noticed by one of the workmen passing along the corridor; and on word. His communications were, afterwards, as a matter of course, e door the canvas hangings were found blazing from the rejected. Not one of them was ever inserted, except as 'from a cor- respondent.'" much damage. The origin of the fire is attributed to over-heating the -house keeper in Upper York flues to warm the house. This occasioned the conflagration of the old Eliza Pearce, a milliner and lodging Street, Bryanstone Square, obtained a verdict yesterday, with 20/. damages, against General Ouseley, for injury done to her reputation by The inhabitants of St. Pancras have imitated the example first set the General, who in the course of a quarrel about the payment of rent by the electors of Leith, and written to Mr. H. Bulvrer, who is in due from him to the plaintiff, had applied-terms of gross abuse to her, rance, to request his attendance in the House of Commons on the During the whole of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the Court They are confident, when you know how anxious they are of Common Pleas was employed in the trial of an action for libel, " that you

brought by Mr. Webb, an attorney in Reading, against Mr. Weedon, meetanother attorney in the same town. The alleged libel was contained in ill not fail to attend on that day.

an article furnished by the defendant to the Reading Mercury: it pur. must be the litter annihilation of the Tories." ported to be the report of a judgment delivered by Sir John Nichol', in the Prerogative Court, relative to the will of a Mr. Knight of Reading, •

who died in 1832, and left property to the value of six or eight thousand I Countrn.

pounds. To this report a statement of facts connected with the case There have been numerous Tory and Liberal election dinners in the

Was prefixed. Although the proceedings in court were spun out to country during the last few days. Among them we notice the follow- such a length, they are of very little public interest or importance. ing—to Mr. Baines at Leeds; Captain Chetwynd at Stafford ; Mr. The libel imputed find to Mr. Galloway, the engineer, and Mr. Webb Bailey at Worcester; Sir R. Griesley, and Sir G. Crewe at Derby; the plaintiff; who were charged with having induced Mr. Knight to alter his will, (titer he became insane, in such a way as to leave the bulk of the property to them, as his executors. This was done by means of a codicil : but Sir John Nicholl confirmed the original will, and charged the parties who had endeavoured to set it aside with fraud. The de- fendant was attorney to the executors of the original will ; and justified both the prefatory statement and the report of Sir J. Nicholl's judg- ment as being substantially correct. The Jury found, "that the por- tion of the libel which contained a report of Sir John Nicholl's judg- ment in the Prerogative Court was a fair and correct report; but that the allegations in the preceding part of the libel, namely the introduc- tory statement, had not been proved, and therefore they found for the plaintiff—Damages 501.

In the Central Criminal Court, on Monday, the notorious Joseph Ady was sentenced to seven years' tmnsportion for procuring 20a. from Mr. Francis Tebbutt, on the false pretence of having valuable informa- tion to give him in return.