14 FEBRUARY 1835, Page 5


At a recent meeting of the Anti-Tory Association in Dublin, Mr- O'Connell said, in reference to a statement in the Times, that Mr. Abercromhy was his nominee for the Speakership-

That he had never had any communication with Lord John Russell upon the subject. 'lime names of three eentleman bad been mentioned to him as probable candidates for the Si.eaker's ;hair ; and so far from sdecting 3 Ir. Abercromhy-, he told the individuals who mentioned the names to him that of the three Mr. ithercioomby had the leitst chance of success. Mr. Abercromby hod great claims—partieularly upon Ireland. Ile was the son of that soldier win, hail be- queathed to posterity a name diet shed a lustre upon the history of British arms —a man who had used all his power to mitigate the horrors Of the rebellion of liftst. Mr. Altercrotoby himself had ever been it friend to Ireland, and war atnongst those who hail voted against the infamous Coercion Bill. Mr. O'Connell also declared that he was ready to join a new Liberal Ministry, in order to show his colleagues most satistlietorily that it was impossible for any but a domestic Legislature to do justice to Ireland.

On Tuesday evening, a grand dinner was given to the Members ,Cot Dublin, in a large building in Townsend Street, lately used as a Catholic chapel, and which was fitted up for the purpose. About two thousand persons were present. Mr. O'Connell spoke, as usual, at greac length.

In the Dublin Court of King's Bench, a verdict for the plaintiffs in the case of Roe and Meyler versus Dotibeney and Wallace, was re- turned on Saturday night. The effect of this verdict will be to give the meschanta indemnity for all the bonded goods hurrit in the great Customhouse fire.

In the same Court, on the previous Thursday, George O'Malley Irwin, a barrister, was convicted of forging it letter from Mr. Robert Johnson, Asslstalit Barrister for Mayo, purporting to be one of resig- nation of Iii a ()flee; which Irwin wished to gee from Mr. Littleton; who, however, gave it to Mr. Fallon. It appeared from the evidence of Mr. Johnson, that he would have resigned, had Mr. Irwin offered him what he thought a sufficient remuneration for the loss of it. The conduct of Irwin throughout seemed to have been that of a very awk- ward as well as unprincipled intriguer. lie thought he should have been aide to get Mr. Johnson's subsi quent assent to the resignation, which he loud falsely transmitted to Mr. Littleton; but he had not money enough to tempt Mr. Johnson.

We hear much that pleases us of the language and observances of Sir E4evs;•1 Sugden in the Chancery Court. Time strictness he em- ploys on ai occasions--the bounds he sets even to time talk of the Bar-- has told well already, not only in econoinizintime, hut the funds of the suitors. As yet, no one who has ever sat in his court has rendered himself more remarkable for sameness towards all persons with whom Ito lets to deal, whether they be counsel or clients.--Duldin Register.

A branch of the O'Connell or " National Bank of Ireland" is now in active operation in the town of Carriek-on-Suir, which is situated at the southern extremity of the county of Tipperary, bordering epon the county of Waterford. The notes have heel) already drawn out iir great abundance by the farmers and small shopkeepers in the vicinity. Although, as I am informed, it portentous batch of the " National*. paper has reached Dublin, I have not had an opport 'tyof itthpecting this most recent addition to our circulating medium; but I find in the Evening Packet the following description, which will convey some notion of the style of the "patriotic" token. " We have before us a note dated the 20th of January 1835, numbered 1,402, promising to pay the bearer on demand at Carrick-on-Suir, one pound, for the Directors and Company of this same Irish national concern, which is chiefly in the hands of English and Scotchmen. The note is signed by a Scot named Ebenezer Wallace, as manager, and :checked or entered by C

Hun', an Englishman. It is ornamented with a figure of Hibernia, leaning on a harp, without a crown, attended by an Irish wolf-dog, and underneath written ' Erin go bragli!' The harp rests upon a crucifix.

To render. the allusion to the crown, or rather to the absence of the crown, plain, and no mistake,' a second harp, surmounted by a wing of D. arrynano Abbey, is placed in front of the dog, which seems

anxiously bent on guarding his object against invaders or assailants. The design is admirably calculated to gull the unfortunate dupes of agitation." It would appear from the progress of the speculation that the "second harp, surmounted by a wing of Darrynane Abbey," is not the least attractive feature in the picture. I have seen a letter from Carrick-on-Suir, which states that during the first and second days after the opening of the bank, notes to the amount of 12,000/. were issued. Scores of frieze-coated rustics were seen to enter the concern, eagerly demanding " Is this O'Connell's Bank ?" On receiving a reply in the affirmative, each of those small money-changers pulled out a pound note or two, either of the Bank of Ireland or the Irish Provincial Bank, exclaiming, like men who imagined that they were serving their country, " Here, take these Orange notes, and give us for them the real genuine stamp of O'Connell himself." . . . . . I need not tell you that both the Bank of Ireland and the Provincial Banking Company are establishments of the highest possible character, not sur- passed by any others in the empire, and neither of them has ever had any political tendency ; but Mr. O'Connell is not connected with the management of either, and therefore what is termed his bank obtains the preference amongst the Repeal peasantry in the neighbourhood of Carrick-on-Suir. Another branch is about to be opened in the city of Waterford, with local stock to the amount of 50,0001., subscribed in 5,000 shares of 10/. each ; and branches will soon be established in every other town of any consideration in the provinces of Munster, Leinster, and Connaught. That the project will be successful, so far as the issue of notes is concerned, I have no doubt ; and this induces me to remark, that it behoves all parties concerned to look to the pro- bable effects in due time. The peasantry, shopkeepers, and dealers will take the notes of the new bank to an immense extent; but it is by

no means so certain that the landlords will accept them in payment of rent, or the merchants for their wares.—Times Correspondent. [Is this last remark intended as a kind hint that the landlords and mer- &ants should not receive in exchange the only circulating medium which the peasantry and shopkeepers will have to tender ?]

Mr. W. O'Connell, who interested himself about the fatal tithe affray at Rathcormac, has complained to Sir H. tlardinge that Mr. Collis, one of the gentlemen implicated by the verdict of the Coroner's Jury, in the charge of wilful murder on that occasion, is allowed to go at large in Dublin, without having been bailed, and bad been received i by the Lord-Lieutenant at his levee. Sir H. Hardinge, n his reply to this letter, informs Mr. O'Connell that instructions had been given to justice. Yesterday necessary steps to make Mr. Collis amenable to Yesterday week, five farm-houses, substantially built of stone, and of considerable value, on the lands of Camheen, parish of Mongret, In the South liberties of Limerick, the property of Henry Compton, Esq., were totally levelled to the ground by an armed mob of upwards of fifty men. During and after the work of destruction, upwards of 100 shots were fired by these lawless miscreants. Mr. Compton had the

character of a humane, considerate landlord, and took the payment of the tithes on himself this year, and the havoc is supposed to have been made by persons who were his tenants, and owed him a year's rent and arrears.—Limerick Times.