The King, or rather Sir George Murray, has been pleased
to present the Reverend Patrick John Macfarlane to the church and parish of Dron, in the Presbytery and county of Perth, vacant by the death of the Reverend Alexander Esdailes. The heads of families of the parish are all but unanimous in opposition to this presentation. The lucky presentee won the good graces of certain Aides-de.camps of the Master-General of the Ordnance; and hence his acquisition of the " The present Tory Government, according to their elegant mouthpiece Lord Stormont, are indifferent about "the mob and the rabble ;" and, it may be, they have included the parishioners of Dronia one or other of these comprehensive classifications.--Deedas Advertiser.
The small-pox is at present very prevalent in some parts of Ross- shire, and attacks persons of all ages. A rather curious case occurred a few days since, at Scudde-bridge. A young woman was seized with the distemper on the day fixed for her marriage: the bridegroom and minister arrived ; and the damsel thinking it best not to lose sight of her intended, insisted that she should be taken out of bed and married, which was accordingly done. Having secured her swain, she again retired to her spar tment.—inverness courier. A novel and daring theft was committed in the Parliament House, Edinburgh, on Wednesday week, by abstracting from the counsellors' boxes several valuable briefs and other bulky papers, for the purpose of selling them to tobacconists. Some of the records have been traced by the Police in snuff-shops, and restored in a dilapidated condition to the learned owners. As this flagrant depredation has been committed in the Temple of Justice itself, we presume lawyers will have no hesitation in holding it to be a furtum grace. This purloiner of pro- cesses was apprehended next day.—Caledunian Mercury.