The throne was put up in the House of Lords
on Wednesday ; it is that which was formed for George the Fourth at Carlton House. The embroidered letters remain—" G. IV." sufficing for the Latinity of his present Majesty's name.
Many of the nobility and persons of distinction have visited the new Houses of Lords and Commons during the week. Among them were the Duke of Wellington, the Duke Norfolk, the Archbishop of York, and Mr. Hume. The Duke of Cumberland and Sir Sutton have been there almost daily : indeed, they have lately been more together than usual.
Lord and Ludy Durham arrived in town on Monday evening, at their house in Cleveland Row, from Lambton Castle.
The report of the arrival of Lord Brougham in Berkeley Square, mentioned in last week's paper, was incorrect. His Lordship only reached home on Thursday lust.
Count Pozzo di Borgo arrived at the residence of the Russian Em- bassy, on Monday night. The Duke of Wellington visited his Esc:Me:icy the next morning. The Lord Chancellor, Lord Hill, Lord Burghe -sh, Sir Robert Wilson, and Sir Charles Bagot, had also inter- views during the day with the Count, at Ashburnham House.
Sir Robert Peel gave a grand official dinner to his colleagues in office, on Wednesday evening. All the Ministers were present, except Sir George Murray, who has ceased to assist at meetings of the Cabinet, and Sir Henry Hardinge, who had not then arrived from Ireland. The Right Honourable Baronet and Lady Peel entertained a distinguished circle at dinner on Thursday evening ; and the Premier will give another banquet to the Ministers on Monday next, when the topics to be introduced in the Speech from the Throne will be, it is expected, discussed.—Morning Chronicle.
A Court of Directors was held at the East India House on Wed- nesday; when Sir Henry Fane was appointed an Extraordinary Member of the Council of India, and Mr. James Farish a Provincial Member of Council for Bombay.
It is reported that Mr. Chantrey, the sculptor, is in treaty for the purchase of the Marquis of Westminster's landed estate in the neigh- bourhood of Stockbridge.
The Bank of England has published the subjoined account of its average assets and liabilities for the quarter ending 10th February 1835.
Circulation . . . £18,099,000 I Securities. . . . £26,482,000 Deposits . . . . 12,535,000 Bullion . . . . 6,693,000 £30,634,000 £33,175,000
Mr. Murray, who has resigned is office of Magistrate of Police, has been appointed to the Secretaryship of the Church Commission. Mr. Murray was Secretary to an Ecclesiastical Commission some years ago, and is a gentleman of well-known sagacity, information, and astuteness.—Albion.
The King has been pleased to grant the sum of 3,000/. sterling from his privy purse, towards the erection of an additional wing to the Uni- versity of Gottingen in Hanover. An English vessel, the Isabella, with ammunition, money, and twenty-seven officers, intended for the service of Don Carlos, has been captured by an armed steamer of the Queen of Spain and taken into Bayonne.
The Foreign Ambassadors, who had been gradually withdrawn from our semi-liberalized court, are fast returning to lend their aid to the newsystem ; the brother of " Lord Castlereagh" is sent on a special mission to the Autocrat of Russia ; Sir Wm. A'Court, the Holy Alliance favourite, goes to India to suppress Liberalism ; the favour with which the infamous Miguel has been beheld by Lord Aberdeen and the virtual Premier is sufficiently notorious; while it is but the other day that the Duke of Wellington, at a Ramsgate dinner, openly proclaimed his sympathy with the despotic King of Holland and his quarrel against emancipated Belgium. These are tolerably plain proofs of what the foreign policy of the new Ministry will be, and of what sort will be the relations maintained between England and the Despotic Powers.—Kent Herald.
We hear from Gottenburg, that the celebrated English sportsman, Mr. Lloyd, has had the misfortune to shoot by mistake one of his favourite companions in the chase, Svensson, instead of a bear: he was dressed in black fur, with the hairy side outwards.—Standard. Baron Dupuytren, the celebrated anatomist and skilful operator died in Paris on the 8th instant, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. He was long at the head of his profession in France, and was deservedly ranked among the ablest surgeons in the world. His unaffected deportment and amiable qualities had rendered him no less popular than his surgical fame. About a year ago, he had an attack of paralysis of the brain, from which he never properly recovered. Another more recent dis- order complicated his case, and set even his own unsurpassed skill aft defiance. His funeral took place on Tuesday last. His remains were attended to the cemetery of Nre la Chaise by several thousand persons. The hearse was drawn all the way from his residence by medics/ students ; and several funeral orations in testimony of his worth, an& expressive of the loss that France has sustained by his death, were de- livered over his grave. Baron Dupuytren has left a considerable for- tune, the fruits of his industry, out of which he has bequeathed the suns of 200,000f. (8,00010 to the School of Medicine in Paris. M. A. Foucault, responsible editor of the Gazette de France, has been found guilty, by the Court of Assize, of a political libel against the Government, contained in two articles which appeared in that paper in September and October last : he was sentenced on Tuesday, to three months' imprisonment and a fine of 3000 francs. A prisoner who had been condemned to three years' imprisonment- for robbery, with an additional month for insulting the Judges, was brought up upon appeal on Thursday week, before the Royal Court at Paris. The President having announced to him that the court confirmed his sentence, the prisoner said " Stop a moment, and I will thank you," and at the same moment he took off his two wooden shoes and hurled them one after the other at the bead of the President with extreme violence. Fortunately they missed ; but one of there struck a counsellor on the chest. The court immediately condemned the ruffian to five years' additional imprisonment. The following singular circumstance occurred lately at Paris. A German baron, who had married a young English woman, said to be a native of Greenwich, and by whom he had two children, died at the latter end of the last year' we believe in the course of November. The mother, ..frected by her loss, sunk in despondency, and shortly after died from excessive grief. The children at that time were at one of the boarding-schools in the neighbourhood of Boulogne ; but the pro- prietors of the school, finding that no relations came to claim them, was on the point of discarding them, when a merchant, an Englishman, humanely took ;Ism into his house. They bad not been long with hins when a person endeavoured to prevail upon one of the servants, by the bribe of 3000 francs, to murder the children. The servant informed her master' and proceedings were had in the Courts of Paris against
the person but he has quitted the place. The gentleman, who has to this time fostered the children, is endeavouring to find out their rela- tives in England, and has actually sent over a person authorized for that purpose.— Times. Vincenz Niemowski, one of the most active of the Polish insur- gents, died at Moscow in the course of last month. The Czar had humanely commuted his sentence of death to that of imprisonment for life. The German papers, in the pay of the Russian Despot, pretend that he made a confession of the names of his confederates before his death, and expressed deep contrition for his offence. But it is sus- pected, with reason, that the confession is forged, and will be made the excuse for further brutality to the Poles. Some of the banking operations carried on in the United States have produced very remarkable results. In the file of New York papers last received, we find an account of that established in the State of Alabama, under the guarantee of the Local Government, for the pur- pose, principally, of making loans to the planters and landed proprietors. The sum raised in this country was 1,000,000/. with interest at the rate of 5 per cent., or rather less; which was again lent out, on the best security, at 9 or 10 per cent. By the aid of the profit thus made, the whole of the expenses of the state of Alabama during the last year were paid ; and it was announced to be in a condition to defray the entire debt incurred, but that it was considered advisable, by continuing so to employ it, to create a fund for making roads, canals, and otherwise improving the internal communications of the country. The bank of r Alabama has not, we believe, issued any paper money in the shape e small notes.
By advices from Port-au-Prince, it appears that that once flouriah.. ing city presented a most melancholy appearance. Grass was growing in many of the principal streets, which were impassable to carriages.. The houses were rapidly falling into decay, and the palace of the Intendant was roofless, with a gigantic tree growing from the earth through the centre of the building. The inhabitants are described as wretched, sqalid, and indolent, and the whole appearance of the place betokened desolation and penury.— Times. In the small town of Bienstein, the wife of a vinedresser has had twins five times since 183. Towards the end of January last, she was delivered of three children at a birth, so that in seven years she has had sixteen children, all of whom are living and in good health., adignaui.
Mlle reprints of the works of Rousseau and Voltaire have greatly in- creased within a few years. Independently of separate publications of their principal productions more than one hundred thousand copies
of their works complete have been sent into circulation in the course of the last ten or a dozen years. The Propagateur du Pas du Calais states that the Curate of Out- , reau, near Boulogne-sur-Mer, has just been dismissed from his parish, because be cultivated music and played on the piano. The scarcity of accommodation in Athens is such, that the Minister of War, at the desire of the Regency, has been obliged to order all the officers, who are not indispensably necessary for the service, to re- side for the present elsewhere.—German Paper. Several successful experiments were tried on the North Humber Bank on Thursday, with a portable apparatus, admirably adapted for conveying aline from a distressed ship or wreck to the shore, by which means many of those distressing and fatal calamities involving the loss of so many lives may be obviated. The apparatus consists of a gun (manufactured by Mr. Blanch, gun-maker, of this town), which will propel a line made fast to an arrow to the distance of from 1.50 to 200 yards, and thus obtain, from even a single individual on the beach, all the assistance which such exigencies require.—flull Observer.