It is currently rumoured that Sir George Cockburn and Rear-Admiral
Bowles have resigned their seats at the Board of Admiralty. The appoint- ment of Captain Rous is the reason assigned in the Times for these resig- nations.
The Morning Post hinted some time ago that Earl Delawarr had been persuaded by the Queen not to press the resignation of his office as Lord Chamberlain of the Household: the same paper now says that he has ao- tually resigned. The Post also announces that Lord Forester has resigned the Captaincy of the Gentlemen-at-Arms.
Mr. Bowes, a supporter of the late Whig Government, but not of their proposal to alter the Corn-laws, is among those who reluctantly acquiesce in the impolicy of resisting the Free-trade movement; and in a letter to the electors of South Durham, he offers to resign his seat if they object to his voting for the Ministerial measure.