The Overwhelming Majority On The Address In The French...
of Deputies was scarcely needed to prove the increased strength of Ministers. To this country it is interesting as a guarantee of continued peace ; for in proportion to their......
News Of The Week.
Tan cardinal portion of Sir Robert Peel's new commercial scheme, the proposed change of the Corn-law, has been actively debated for three nights in the House of Commons, and the......
Mexico Is The Sport Of A New Revolt, The Scene
for the exploits of a new and untried hero—General Paredes. The General has not directly appointed himself Dictator—he professes to await the commands of the National......
The " Peel Rot" Seems To Be A Very Mild
disease, and not really an epidemic : it has carried off very few, and those none of the strongest. Lord William Gordon is the solitary seceder this week, at the eleventh hour.......