14 FEBRUARY 1857, Page 10


Mouday, February 16. Committee of Supply. The ATTORNEY-GENERAI, for IRELAND—TO move the Expulsion of James Sadleir.

The CHANCELLOR of the Excuarivro.—To move that Mr. Wegueliu and Mr. Black

burn be added to the Bank Acts Committee.

Mr. CnoaAN and Mr. CAYLEY—To move additions to the Committee.

The Cu.suczu..ox of the ExemoirEa—To move that 2,000,000/. be granted to pay off Exchequer Bonds falling due this year. To move Resolutions on Income-tax.

Sir CEARLE8 Worm—Navy Estimates.

Tuesday, February 17. Mr. ROEBUCK to move for a Select Committee on Second

ary Punishments and Transportation. Captain Scomax—To move for a Select Committee on Naval Administration. Mr. Mcurz—To move Resolutions in favour of a more equitable Property-tax.

Sir JOHN PAKINOTQN—Bill for the promotion of Education in Cities and Corpo

rate Towns.

Mr. OtivEnts—To move for a Select Committee on the Wine-duties.

Mr. DISRAELI—To move Resolutions on the Property and Income Tax.

Lord Psimmorox—To move for a Select Committee to inquire into the operation

of the Bribery at Elections Act.

Thursday, February 19. Mr. Locxx Knee—Bill to extend the County Franchise.

Mr. Seeman—To move that the House resolve itself into a Committee to consider the Maynooth Endowment.

Friday, February 20. The Arrouuxv-Gmtrast—Bill to punish Fraudulent

Breaches of Trust and Duty.