14 FEBRUARY 1857, page 20

Lilt! Ills.

THE BRITISH , INSTITUTION. Foremost among our annual exhibitions, the British Institution opened on Saturday last its collection of works by living artists. The display is at......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 10. Wes OFFICE, Pall Mall, Feb. 10.-Royal Artillery-Lieut.-Col. H. J. Morris to be Col. vice Higgins, removed as a General Officer ; Capt. J.......

Tht Aunt.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 10. AninnataT, Feb. 2.-Brevet-Corps of Royal Marines-With reference to her Majesty's Order in Council of the 13th of Sept. 1854-Col. Second......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 10. Partnerships Dissolved.-Gurney and Haynes. Maidstone, ironmongers-Farmer and Pearson, Nottingham, linen-drapers-Edisbury and Co. Wrexham,......