FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 10. Wes OFFICE, Pall Mall, Feb. 10.-Royal Artillery-Lieut.-Col. H. J. Morris to be Col. vice Higgins, removed as a General Officer ; Capt. J. Travers to be Lieut.Cot, vice Moms ; Second Capt. W. B. Saunders to be Capt. vice Travers; Lieut.
C. B. Le Mesurier to be Second Capt. vice Saunders.
Brecet.--Col. T. G. Higgins, of the RoyalArtillery, to be Major-Gen. vice Bastard, retired upon full-pay.
In consequence of the promotion of Colonel Morris, the undermentioned officers on the retired full-pay list of the Royal Artillery to be Cols, in accordance with the Royal warrant of the 3d of November 1854, Col. Morris having stood next below
them on the effective establishment of the regiment when they retired, via.-Lient.Col. C. H. Burnaby ; Lieut.-Col. J. G. Walker.
WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, Feb. IL-Infantry-3d Regiment of Foot-Major-Gen. N. Wodehouse to be Col. Nice Lieut.-Gen. Sir N. Thorn, K.C.B. dec.
WAR Omen, Pall Mall, Feb. 13.-Royal Engineers-Second Capt. C. Pasley, on the Supernumerary List, to be Capt.; Second Capt. and Brevet-Major J. Stokes, to be Capt. vice Cowper, accidentally killed at Canton ; Limit. J. Grantham to be Second Capt. vice Stokes.
Brevet.-Lieut.-Gen. W. G. Power, C.B. of the Royal Artillery, to be Gen. vice Walker, dec.; Major-Gen. G. Cobbe, tube Lieut.-Gen. vice Power ; Major-Gen. J. E. Dupuis, CAL Supernumerary, to be placed on the Fixed Establishment.
In consequence of Lieut.-Gen. Power's promotion, the undermentioned Officer on the retired full-pay list of the Royal Artillery, to be Gen. in accordance with he Royal warrant of 3d Nov. 1854, Lieut.-Gen. Power having stood next below him at the time of his retirement-Lieut.-Gen. J. Irving, late Royal Irish Artillery, to be General.