14 FEBRUARY 1857, Page 7


Mr. Hope Johnstone -was returned for Dumfriesshire on Thursday, without opposition. He sat for the county before 1847.

The Solicitor-General was elected for Buteshire on Thursday, also without opposition.

Mr. John Macgregor has been asked by the electors of the second municipal ward of Glasgow to come forward and give some explanation of his share in the "painful occurrences connected with the Royal British Bank." The letter containing this modest request is dated the list December. It has not been answered ; and a general movement for the purpose of repudiating Mr. Macgregor is talked of.

John Waterston, the lad who killed one Irishman and stabbed three others, on New-Year's moniing, in the streets of Edinburgh, has been put on his trial before the High Court of Justiciary. But it appearing that he acted only in self-defonce,—the Irishmen having assaulted him, and be having used his knife under an impression that they were garotters,—the SolicitorGeneral withdrew the charges, and the prisoner was acquitted, amid the cheers of the people in court.