14 FEBRUARY 1920, Page 19

The Romance of the Battle Line in France. By J.

E. C. Bodley. (Constable. 7s. 8d. net.)—Mr. Bodley recalls in two attractive essays the historical associations, distant or recent, of the country through which the battle-front ran for four strenuous years. He knows France so well that he might have written several volumes on the subject ; his allusions will certainly inspire readers with a desire to know more of the fascinating history of France. We are sorry that, instead of pursuing the subject, he has devoted the second half of the book to reflections on the failings of British politicians, and on the pro-German tendencies that were far too strong in this country before the war. With much, though not all, that Mr. Bodley says we sympathize, but the long chapter is an anticlimax to the attractive essays which prec2de it. A large map of the war zone is appended.