14 FEBRUARY 1920, page 18


• .1' at, LAST OF THE GRENVILLES.* 'WE owe " Bennet Copplestone " an apology for our delay in noticing the latest of the excellent books from his pen in which he acts as......

Charles Wesley.* Tile Clergy Of The Church Of England Are

just now dis- tressingly poor.. Many of them find it hard to get food, let alone education, for their children. Poverty in the Church is, however, no new thing. There have been......

Modern Science And Materialism.t Tax Larger Portion Of...

book is occupied with an able, if somewhat dogmatic, summary of the conclusions of • The Manners of My Time. By C. L. H. Dempster. London : Grant Richards. [10a ed. net. t Modem......

The Manners Of My Tire.*

Miss DEMPSTER'S reminiscences deal with small things rather than with great things, and when they deal with great people it is in a small way. Yet for all this no sneers about......