T6tption in Germany Life in Germany is. becoming increasingly intolerable.
A new attack on the Roman Catholic Church is bein;.! launched ; steps quite inconsistent with the terms of th, Concordat are being taken against the Catholic youth movement ; -it is rumoured that all religious broadcasts are to he forbidden. Simultaneously the Jews throughout the Reich- are threatened with an unknown fate as a result of the murder of Dr. Gustloff in Switzerland. In a funeral oration tragically ironical, coming from the author of the murders of June, 1934, Herr Hit lc!. included the sinister menace " we hear the challenge and we accept it." Rumour of a wholesale expulsion of Jews from Germany probably go beyond the facts, and any projected measures will no doubt be postponed till after the Olympic games are over, but for every Jew the con- sciousness of impending fate will for months be the chief sensation in life. A similar apprehension will oppress many besides Jews, -for an intensification of-the activities of the secret political pollee Under " General Goering. is announced. A condition of life in which peril may reside in any casual word and the only safety is in silence is fortunately incomprehensible in this country.