Idealism And Religion [to The Editor Of The Spectator.)...
Gilbert-Lodge has now batted twice. May I be permitted to have my second innings, and thereby, I hope, finish the match ? I shall endeavour to follow your instruc- tions as......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sm,—Bishops profess to believe that Jesus was God, Yet one of them (St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich) wrote in your issue of February 7th, replying to the statement that " most of......
. [to The Editor Of Tile Sceet,vroa.]
SIR,—There are some statements in the second letter signed Patricia Gilbert-Lodge which do not seem to me altogether accurate. (1) The writer says in regard to - Christianity......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—in Spite Of Miss
Gilbert-Lodge's frankness and readiness to admit herself in the wrong I believe she is still guilty of inconsistency. It is not reasoning power but simply belief which underlies......