Stn,—It was curious to read the somewhat belated review (if
review it was supposed to be) of my last book but one, We Hare Been Warned, by Mr. John Sparrow, whom I remem ber as a charming hid at Winchester. Mr. Sparrow has a peculiar view and my book, which I can only put down to his having some kind of unfortunate sex-complex. Other- wise, why should he have picked out, with such meticulous care, the passages dealing with sex, from an extremely long book, which has, as part of its plot, one main " love-interest " and two subsidiary ones, but which is essentially descriptive and, so far as it is propaganda, is a plea for general decency and kindliness, and the kind of friendship (I will not worry you by calling it comradeship) which I have, in practice, found amongst my fellow Socialists ? I am sorry to have annoyed Mr. Sparrow so much : by the end of the review he was positively foaming at the beak. May I remind him of his old school motto : Manners Makyth Man ?—I am, yours,