In defence of students
From Quintin Hogg MP, David S. Wilson, George Nicholson, Mrs Mary Cummins, L. H. Gilbert, Ken Taylor, James Donaldson, B. Ngwuocha, Colin Brown, U: G. T. Enegren, H. C. C. Moule, R. M. Campbell, Sir Denis Brogan, Robin McDostall, Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson, Athalie Bolton, Lord Arran.
Sir: Perhaps Auberon Waugh (7 February) can quote a single sentence of mine in the debate on cannabis which justifies his assertion that (i) I 'abhor' pot smokers (as distinct from opposing the legalisation or encouragement of pot) or (ii) that I 'cried out' for 'ever more savage penalties.'
If he can, he will have the satisfaction of establishing that, by some accident, I used language consistent with a sentiment I do not feel and a policy the opposite of that I was seeking to advocate.
If, as I suspect, he cannot, he will forgive me for saying that, not for the first time, I find his ignorance of politics and politicians as ridiculous as I find his recklessness in criticism nauseating.