14 FEBRUARY 1969, Page 24

In defence of students


From Quintin Hogg MP, David S. Wilson, George Nicholson, Mrs Mary Cummins, L. H. Gilbert, Ken Taylor, James Donaldson, B. Ngwuocha, Colin Brown, U: G. T. Enegren, H. C. C. Moule, R. M. Campbell, Sir Denis Brogan, Robin McDostall, Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson, Athalie Bolton, Lord Arran.

Sir: Perhaps Auberon Waugh (7 February) can quote a single sentence of mine in the debate on cannabis which justifies his assertion that (i) I 'abhor' pot smokers (as distinct from opposing the legalisation or encouragement of pot) or (ii) that I 'cried out' for 'ever more savage penalties.'

If he can, he will have the satisfaction of establishing that, by some accident, I used language consistent with a sentiment I do not feel and a policy the opposite of that I was seeking to advocate.

If, as I suspect, he cannot, he will forgive me for saying that, not for the first time, I find his ignorance of politics and politicians as ridiculous as I find his recklessness in criticism nauseating.